Kyoshi's Soldiers

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The four of you continued on cruising through the skies. You were asleep in the saddle, catching up on the much-needed zzz's that you missed on your adventure. When you got carefully woken up by Katara, you were landed. It took you a few minutes to orient yourself, but you soon joined the others on the ground.

"We just made a pit stop yesterday. Shouldn't we get a little more flying done before we camp out?" Sokka asked.

"It's a little counterproductive," you said, "But we won't get to the North Pole until spring."

"But Appa's tired already, aren't you boy?" Aang asked the bison. Appa just grunted. "I said... aren't you boy?" Aang nudged him. Appa then opened his mouth and 'yawned'. Aang looked back at you with a cheeky smile.

"Yeah, that was real convincing," Sokka said, "Still, hard to argue with a ten ton magical monster." Aang then skipped a little farther ahead and gasped, pointing towards the ocean.

"Look!" He exclaimed. A giant koi fish jumped out of the water, then back in. "That's why we're here--Elephant Koi, and I'm gonna ride it." Aang then proceeded to strip down to his... underwear?

"Damn, I did not expect him to have that on," you said.

"What? Did you expect him to be bare underneath his clothes?" Katara asked.

"He's a monk, I don't know what he's thinking."

"Y/n, Katara, you've gotta watch me." He then ran and jumped into the water, head first.

You glanced at the siblings. Sokka just scratched his head, deadpanning at you. He then swam out farther and dove into the water. The Elephant Koi popped up, and Aang was grabbing onto its fin.

"Well damn," you said, watching him have the time of his life. Aang looked out and smiled, and waved. He somehow still saw you from all the way out there. Two more Elephant Koi joined.

"He looks pretty good out there," Katara said.

"Are you kidding? The fish is doing all the work," Sokka replied. From the back, Appa slowly began to chomp on something.

"No, Appa! Don't eat that!" Katara yelled, running over to stop him. You looked back over the water to see Aang smiling widely at you.

"YOU'RE DOING GREAT, SWEETIE!" You yelled at him. The Koi's turned, but some sucked one of the three under. A giant shadow swam underneath them.

"There's something in the water!" Sokka exclaimed.

"NO SHIT!" You yelled back. Aang was completely oblivious, despite the second Koi getting pulled under.

"What's wrong?" Katara reappeared.

"Aang's in trouble," Sokka replied, "AANG!"

"Get out of there!" Katara yelled


The two of them yelled. You just watched on. The Koi he was riding was pulled under as well, sending him flying off and away. A giant spine emerged from the water, towering over him.

"Why is he always getting in trouble?" You sighed. Aang screamed and ran so fast, he skimmed across the water. Sokka also screamed, but Aang collided into him, sending them both flying. You didn't know whether to call them idiots or laugh... so you did both.

"HAHAHA!!! YOU FUCKIN IDIOTS!!!" You and Katara ran up to the two in the middle of your laughing fit.

"What was that thing?" Katara asked.

"I don't know," Aang replied, getting dressed.

"Well, let's not stick around to find out," Sokka said, getting up. "Time to hit the road." You suddenly used your water to propel yourself upwards, wrapping the stream around you. The others below you didn't know what hit them. You landed back down on the ground. The women who ambushed you all managed to hog-tie and blindfold the others. Not to mention stuff Momo in a sack. They then turned to face you and drew their fans.

"Uh, Y/n? Could you maybe help us here?" Sokka wiggled in his restraints.

"Keep quiet," you said to him. "I don't know what you want, but let them go and we'll leave this island." They didn't reply. You raised your brows and shrugged.

"Okay, if that's how you want it." You moved your arms in a wide, circular motion. The ocean behind you receded before pulling up into a giant wave that towered over the island, blocking the sun. You raised both arms above your head and the water soon spiraled into a needle-like form, threatening to pierce through the land. The warriors soon realized they were outmatched in power. The leader, seemingly, nodded at them. When they relaxed out of their stance, you returned the water back into the ocean.

"Now," you said, narrowing your eyes. "What do you want?"

They led you and your friends up to a village, tying everyone but you to a thick wooden pole. The warriors chose to monitor you instead. The head of the village, assumingly, was standing in front of you. As was everyone else in the village.

"You three have some explaining to do," he said.

"And if you don't answer all our questions, we're throwing you back in the water with the unagi," one of the warriors said.

"Show yourselves, cowards!" Sokka exclaimed. She walked up to him and ripped the blindfold from his eyes.

"Who are you?" Sokka asked, "Where are the men who ambushed us?"

"Sokka, I'll kill you," you threatened. Aang recoiled back from you.

"There were no men. We ambushed you," the leader said, "Now tell us, who are you, and what are you doing here?"

"Wait a second. There's no way a bunch of girls took us down."
You whipped your arm out and smacked Sokka in the face with a waterball.

"HEY! What was that for?!" He screeched.


"SoRrY!" He squeaked.

"It's my fault," Aang said, "I'm sorry we came here. I wanted to ride the Elephant Koi."

"How do we know you're not Fire Nation spies?" The man asked.

"Well, I just bent water, and I don't think people from the Fire Nation can do that," you said blankly.

"Kyoshi stayed out of the war so far and we intend to keep it that way," the village head said.

"This island is name for Kyoshi?" Aang asked, "I know Kyoshi."

"HA! How could you possibly know her? Avatar Kyoshi was born here 400 years ago. She's been dead for centuries."

"Hm... goals," you said.

"I know her because I'm the Avatar," Aang said.

"That's impossible," the leader said, "The last Avatar was an airbender who disappeared 100 years ago."

"That's me!" Aang said happily.

"Throw the impostor to the unagi," the man ordered before walking away. The warriors drew their fans and carefully walked towards them. You jumped away from your watchers and suspended your water, pressing your back near Aang.

"Do some airbending, idiot," you whispered to him. He quickly jumped up into the air, breaking the ropes tied to his wrist, and slowly descended down. Gasps and quiet exclaims rang out between the villagers.

"It's true," the man said, "You are the avatar." You put your water back in your flask and relaxed, letting out a sigh.

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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