The Amazing Split {2}

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As you flew over the canyon, you could hear a commotion echoing through it. You changed directions and landed on a stone pillar. Down below you could see the Zhangs, Gan Jins, and your friends being terrorized by a bunch of Canyon Crawlers. You sighed and rolled your eye.

"Of course I was right," you muttered. You jumped from the pillar, landing in front of Aang.

"Y/n!" He exclaimed, surprised. You bent the water from the air and created a large wave, sweeping up all the crawlers into it. You circled your arms and hands, spinning the water into a ball. You then gently pushed your arms out, exhaling. The ball froze in mid air. You then pushed your hands flat to the ground. The ice ball smashed into the ground, shattering, and knocking all the Canyon Crawlers out. You then grabbed everyone with your water and slid your foot out, raising your arms. The water shot them all up into the air. You then froze the water to make a makeshift bridge.

"All of you," you said to them, "Quit your bitchin and get moving." You pointed down the bridge. Both tribes began to walk across the bridge.

"How long were the crawlers there?" You asked Sokka.

"Like... seven minutes before you got here," he replied with a shrug. You pushed him forward, wanting him to walk. When all of you reached the outside of the canyon, you melted the bridge and let the water drop.

"Wait a second, YOU USED APPA AS AN EXCUSE NOT TO HELP US!!" Sokka exclaimed, poking his finger into your chest.

"Exactly." You deadpanned. "I can barely handle you and Katara bickering, how do you think I could handle a feud that's been going on for a century?" Sokka did his horse-pout face and crossed his arms.

"I'm going to go fetch Appa," you said, using your water to propel yourself into the air.

You landed Appa on the ground and Aang was the first one to greet him. You helped all of the sick and elderly off of the saddle while the leader of the Gan Jin thanked Aang for whatever it is that he did. The same elderly woman that talked to you on Appa hobbled up to you.

"Be careful of the L/n family," she said, "If you come across the survivor..." She gently grabbed your hand.

"Don't hesitate to run, or kill them."
Your brow raised.

"Yeah... okay."

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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