Jailed {2}

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"The mine!" Haru exclaimed, running towards it. You followed after him and quickly made it over there. Underneath the collapsing rock and earth was an older man. Haru pressed his back against it to keep it up and you tried pulling the man out, but he wouldn't budge.

"We have to get help," you said.

"There's no time, pull harder!"

"I can take him out using my waterbending, but you need to lift these rocks," you instructed.

"I can't..." Haru said.

"No one's here to see," you said, "Do you want to save him or not?" Haru thought about it for a moment before running a few feet in front of you. He took a wide stance and punched his fists out. The rocks were pushed farther into the cave.

"... well I didn't expect you to do that," you said, blinking. He smiled and walked over to you, aiding the man in standing and walking him back to his home.

Later that night, you were back in the barn with the others. You told them everything that happened.

"It was so brave of Haru to use his earthbending to help that old man," Katara said to you.

"You must have really inspired him," Aang commented from on top of Appa. You laughed lightly.

"Hardly. It was more peer pressure than anything," you replied.

"Everyone should get some sleep," Sokka said, "We're leaving at dawn."

"Dawn? Can't we sleep in for once?" Katara whined.

"Absolutely not!" Sokka replied, "This village is crawling with Fire Nation troops. If they discover you're here Aang, we'll be eating fireballs for breakfast. Goodnight."

"I'd rather eat fireballs than nuts," Katara teased.

"Good night," Sokka emphasized. The three of you laughed lightly before putting out the lantern and turning in for the night.

Early morning, you and Katara went outside to go fill up with water for the trip. Standing on the hill was Haru's mother. You looked at her, tilting her head. She turned around to face you, tears in her eyes. It clicked. You turned and ran back to the barn, shoving the door open.

"Haru was taken. They took him," you said to the boys.

"What?" Aang gasped.

"The old man turned him in to the Fire Nation," Katara came up to your side. You scowled.

"Shouldn't left him to be crushed," you whispered darkly, "But this is my fault. I told him to earthbend."

"Slow down you two," Sokka said, "When did this happen?"

"Haru's mother said they came for him at midnight," Katara replied.

"Then it's too late to track him. He's long gone," Sokka said.

"We won't need to track him," you said, "The Fire Nation will take me right to him."

"And why would they do that?" Aang inquired. You smirked, turning your head to look at him.

"Because they're going to arrest me for earthbending."

You and Sokka rolled a giant rock on top of a vent.

"I thought you were crazy at first Y/n, but this might work," Sokka said, "There are ventilation shafts throughout these mines. All Aang has to do is send an air current from that vent to this one right here." He pointed to a vent that was behind a rock.

"The boulder levitates and ta da! Fake earthbending."
You turned.

"Aang? Did you get all that?" You questioned.

"Sure, sure. I got it," he replied, playing with a butterfly.

"Do you remember your cue?" Sokka asked.

"Yeah, yeah. Just relax. You're taking all the fun out of this."

"I mean, being arrested by an army of ruthless firebenders does sound pretty fun," you said with a smile.

"Exactly. That's fun stuff," Aang agreed. Just on time, three soldiers began to walk up the mine's path.

"Here they come. Get in your places," Sokka said. Katara hid with Aang. As they drew closer, you and Sokka pretended to run into each other.

"Get out of my way, pipsqueak!" He pointed his finger at you.


"What did you call me?!"


"You better back off!" Sokka got closer to your face. "No seriously, back off," he whispered.

"I WILL NOT BACK OFF!" You shoved your face closer as well, and he backed up. "SWEAT DRIPPIN DOWN YOUR BACK-FAT BITCH!"

"That's it! You're going down!" Sokka declared.

"I'LL SHOW YOU WHO'S THE BIGGEST BITCH! EARTHBENDING STYLE!" You slid in front of the rock, but nothing happened. "... I said... EARTHBENDING STYLE!" You must've startled Aang because the rock slowly lifted up, revealing Momo. The guards gasped and pointed.

"That lemur! He's earthbending!"
Your face dropped to a deadpan immediately.

"No, you idiot. It's the girl!" Sokka exclaimed.

"Oh. Of course."
You facepalmed and the guard seemed to blush in embarrassment.

"I'll hold her!" Sokka said, grabbing your shoulders. The rock dropped back down.

"You've got 12 hours to find Haru," he whispered to you, "We'll be right behind you." The soldiers then escorted you away. You looked behind yourself to see the three of them staring after you.

You were placed in a cart and riding off to a ship meant for the imprisoned earthbenders. The soldiers were in there with you. You could sense the three of them trailing behind you. The cart rode off to the dock. Soon enough, you were put on the ship and it began to sail off. The ride wasn't as long as you thought it was, but you were placed in a cell. When the ship docked, you and the other earthbenders were chained, and placed in a line.

"Earthbenders, it is my pleasure to welcome you aboard my modest shipyard," a man spoke from in front of you. "I am your warden. I prefer to think of you not as prisoners, but as honored guests."

"You must be into some kinky shit if you put your honored guests in chains and cuffs," you said blankly. The one soldier nudged you harshly.


"Kiss my ass! I can fuck your wife better than you!"

"You will succeed here if you simply abide--"
The man next to you coughed, interrupting the warden. He didn't seem too happy about that. The warden turned and bent fire towards the old man. While he backed up in a panic, you let the flames breeze by you.

"What kind of guest dishonors his host by interrupting him?" The warden scolded, "Take him below. One week in solidarity will improve his manners."

"He coughed, dude, get over it," you spoke, "It's more polluted over here than a witches cauldron water." The warden looked at you.

"My, don't we have a smart mouth on us?" He mocked, getting close in your face.

"Not smart, just a mouth."

"Well, would you like to join him?" He asked. You watched them take him away.

"I'd rather brush my teeth with someone's toes."

"Simply treat me with the courtesy I give you and we'll get along famously." He got close to your face and smiled condescendingly. You just blankly stared back at him.

"I wanna eat your beard."

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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