Bato of the Liquid Clan

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"I don't understand! Why does she get to firebend with you?! I'm the one with the affinity for fire!"
Oyuma shushed Yyn harshly, as her voice was echoing through the palace obnoxiously.

"It is not your abilities that are lacking, Yyn," she said softly, "It is your discipline. Once you learn to control your temper, like you control your flames, then you can begin your specialized training."

"It's not fair!" Yyn yelled, accidentally setting the floor under her ablaze. "Y/n is only three years older than me! But she can already do lightning bending and blood bending! It's not fair!"

"I am not comparing you to your sister, Yyn," Oyuma said sternly, "But your sister has an aptitude for more than just power and destruction. She wants to learn to be a bender."

"And I want to challenge her to an Agni Kai!"

The four of you were camping by a Water Tribe ship. One that belonged to the fleet that Sokka's and Katara's father had led. Aang was asleep on Appa's paw, and Katara was curled into her sleeping bag. You and Sokka stayed awake most of the night.

"Hey Y/n," he said quietly, "Do you ever think about your family... your parents?" You thought for a moment.

"I do," you replied.

"We know almost nothing about you, Y/n," Sokka said, "Or what your family was like." You poked the fire with a stick.

"I don't think you wanna know," you replied softly, "Mom's dead, dad's dead, and my sister... is somewhere."

"You have a sister?" Sokka inquired, "I didn't know that."

"Because I never told you, idiot," you replied, "But she's not someone who I'd want you to meet." Sokka was going to continue the conversation, but rustling drew your attention. You both stood, with him drawing his boomerang and you bending your water.

"Who's there?!" You yelled. A person walked into the light of the campfire.

"Sokka?" The man said. You looked over at said boy.

"Bato?" Sokka replied, obviously shocked.

"Who the what now?" Aang groggily said, waking up. Katara was right behind him.

"Bato!" She gasped.

"Sokka! Katara!" Bato said as the two of them ran to hug him. "It is so good to see you two. Oh, you've grown so much." You and Aang walked over to them.

"Hi, I'm Aang." He bowed.

"Y/n." You waved your hand.

"Where's dad?" Sokka asked.

"Is he here?" Katara inquired.

"No. He and the other warriors should be in the eastern Earth Kingdom by now," Bato replied. Then a gust of wind came through, chilling them to the bone.

"This is no place for a reunion. Let's get inside." He began to lead the two of them away. He then turned and gestured for you two to follow them. You, Aang, and Appa walked behind them. You all were led to an abbey.

"After I was wounded, your father carried me to this abbey," Bato explained, "The sisters have cared for me ever since." You and Aang looked at each other.

"Superior, these are Kota's children. They've been traveling with the Avatar and their friend. I found them by my boat."

"Young Avatar, it gives me great joy to be in your presence," the Superior said, stepping up. "Welcome to our Abbey."

"Thank you. It's truly an honor to be here," Aang replied politely, "If there's anything—"

"What smells so good, Bato?" Sokka interrupted him. You deadpanned at him.

"The sisters craft ointments and perfumes," Bato replied.

"Perfume?" Sokka repeated, "Maybe we could dump some on Appa, because he stinks so much. Am I right?" You slapped him across his face with your water.


"You have your father's wit," Bato said blankly.

Bato led you all to a building and slid the door open.

"Bato, it looks like home!" Katara gasped. The two of them ran inside.

"Everything's here, even the pelts," Sokka added.

"Yeah... nothing's cozier than dead animal skins," Aang said sarcastically. You nudged him.

"Don't be mean, that's their culture," you said with a teasing smile.

"I know, I know," Aang replied, "... wait... don't you mean 'our' culture?" He blinked at you. You laughed slightly.

"Ah, yeah." You laughed. "Sorry, it slips the mind every once in a while." You looked around the room while the others talked with Bato. Even though the Water Tribe was a part of your heritage and culture, you didn't feel as connected to it as you did the Fire Nation. Even though your waterbending and specialized skills were just as good as your firebending. You sat down in the corner of the room, letting the others words in one ear and out the other. At some point, you saw Aang get up and leave the house.

"Aang?" You said quietly. You got up and followed him out of the house and Abbey. You saw his footprints, but he was long gone. With a sigh, you took off.

You found Aang on top of the wrecked ship.

"Aang?" You called up. He seemed to have been startled by your voice.

"Y/n," he said, looking down at you. You used the water to spiral you up and to his eye level.

"What's the matter Aang?" You asked. He turned his head away.

"I don't wanna talk about it."
You froze the water around you to create a pillar. You crouched down to look at him.

"You're worried Katara and Sokka will leave, aren't you?"
Aang gasped lightly.

"How did you—"

"You're easier to read than you think," you replied with a smile. "As much as Katara and Sokka miss their dad, they made a commitment for you. They wouldn't just abandon it." Aang lowered his gaze.

"I'm not sure..."

"Well, I am." You grabbed his hand and jumped to the ground.

"Come on. Let's go back." You smiled at him. He blushed a tiny bit, but let you drag him back to the abbey.

When you got back, Aang slid the door open with you behind him.

"Hey, everyone," he greeted, "Sorry I was gone so long."

"Hey Aang. I didn't notice you left," Katara greeted back. You facepalmed.

"Yep, but now I'm back."
The two of you walked to the middle of the room.

"Sure could go for some delicious sea prunes." He sat down and grabbed a bowl, shoving multiple spoonfuls of food in his mouth. He then spit them out, but continued to act like they were good. The three of them just stared at him and you sighed. You also stared at him.

'... what is he hiding?'

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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