Kyoshi's Soldiers {2}

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After the revelation of Aang being the Avatar, you and the others were led to and were resting in a house. The next day, you four were in front of a long-table filled with food.

"Mm, Y/n, you've got to try these," Aang said, holding out a bitten piece of food to you.

"Alright," you shrugged, grabbing it from him and taking a bite.

"Oh, it's good," you said.

"Sokka! What's your problem? Eat!" Aang called to the sulking boy in the corner.

"I'm not hungry," Sokka replied dully.

"But you're always hungry."

"He's just bitter that a bunch of girls whooped his ass," you said, reaching over for more food.

"They snuck up on me!" Sokka exclaimed.

"Yeah, then they kicked your ass," you countered, shoving more food in your mouth.

"Sneak attacks don't count!" He got up to stomp away. "Tie me up with ropes? I'll show them a thing or two." Then he came back to grab food.

"I'm not scared of any girls," he said, coming up to the table. You glanced up at him, quirking a brow.

"Okay, maybe one girl," he admitted quietly, "But who do they think they are, anyway?" He grabbed some food and shoved it in his arms, quickly walking away.

"What's he so angry about?" Aang asked, "It's great here. They're giving us the royal treatment."

"Woah now, don't get too comfortable," you said.

"Y/n's right," Katara said, "It's risky for us to stay in one place for very long."

"I'm sure we'll be fine," Aang said, "Besides, did you see how happy I'm making this town? They're even cleaning that statue up in my honor."

"Great to see you're excited about the whole 'Avatar' thing," you said, "Just don't let it get to your head."

"Come on, you know me better than that," he said, "I'm just a simple monk." He stood up to lean against the large window when the squealing of girls echoed up. He blushed at the attention, but you continued to eat.

The rest of the day was Aang being chased by the village girls. All giddy and giggling, and blushing. It made you sick. Nearer the end of the afternoon, you were helping Katara get some supplies for when you leave the island.

"Aang seems to be having fun around here," you commented.

"And I'm glad he is," Katara said, "But I hope none of this is getting to his head." You shrugged.

"If it does, we'll beat some modesty into him," you said.

"You know, you can't go around beating everyone," Katara said with a smile.

"I can sure as hell try." You lifted two baskets in your arm when Aang arrived.

"Oh, you're here," you said, "Could you help Katara with carrying? They're heavy."

"Actually, I can't right now," Aang replied. You raised a brow at him.

"You can't?" You repeated, "Why not?"

"I promised the girls I'd give them a ride on Appa. Why don't you come with us? It'll be fun," he replied.

"Listening to a bunch of smitten girls oogle over you is not fun," you countered.

"Well... neither does carrying your basket."

"It's not my basket," Katara said, "These supplies are for our trip. I told you, we have to leave Kyoshi soon."

"I don't want to leave Kyoshi yet," Aang replied, "I can't put my finger on it, but there's something I really like about this place." Cue the girls giggling in the background.

"What's taking you so long, Aangie?" One of them whined, stomping her foot.

"Aangie?" You questioned. He turned and waved at her.

"Just a second Koko!" He called back. You swung your head around Aang and hissed at the children. They all shivered.

"Simple monk, huh?" Katara repeated his words. "I thought you promised us this avatar stuff wouldn't go to your head."

"It didn't," Aang replied, "You know what I think? You just don't want to come because you're jealous." You stared at him like =.=.

"Jealous of who? Those eight year old kids riding an 100-year-old bison? Boy, been there, done that."

"Jealous that we're having so much fun without you," Aang teased. Your eyes twitched before you balanced all four baskets on your arms and walked away.

Later that day, you were in a house playing with your waterbending. You suspended the water in the air and slowly moved your arms and hands in a push and pull motion. The water created zigzags in the air.

"Y/n, remember how the unagi almost got me yesterday?" Aang appeared through the doorway.

"It's a memory I won't forget," you replied.

"Well, I'm gonna go ride it now. It's going to be real dangerous."
Your brows raised.


"... you're not gonna stop me?"

"Not at all. Have fun."

"I will."


"I know it's great."

"Glad you know."

"I'm glad you're glad."


Aang hesitated, but walked out. The water above you collapsed and soaked you. You sat up and coughed. You let out a sigh and tried to bend the water out of your clothes. Only a few droplets managed to be pulled away.

"Great..." You muttered, "I thought I got over feeling guilty... guess I have a lot more to learn." You stood up and walked out of the house.

It was getting near sunset and Aang had walked all the way back down to where the beach was. The little kids that came to watch Aang ride the unagi upped and left. He was in the water with no one. You appeared, walking onto the sandy shore.

"Y/n! You showed up!" Aang exclaimed, his mood lifting immediately.

"I wasn't taking the chance of you killing yourself," you replied from the shore.

"Back there you acted like you didn't care," Aang said.

"Yeah, I'm sorry for that," you apologized.

"Me too." Aang sank a little lower into the water. "I did let all that attention go to my head. I was being a jerk."

"Well, then get your ass out of the water before you catch a cold, you big jerk!" You yelled.

"On my way!" As Aang began to swim forward, the unagi followed him. Its spine rose out of the water like a shark. It straightened up out of the water, taking Aang with it who grabbed on.

"Well shit..." You said, looking at the giant sea serpent. You quickly began to shed your clothes as Aang started shrieking. You ran to the water, freezing it under your feet and creating a platform of ice to stand on. You looked up and saw the unagi whipping Aang around who was holding onto its whisker.

"... yep, that's the avatar for you."

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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