The Destiny Narrator {2}

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After your reading at Aunt Wu's, you decided it'd be best if you had some alone time. You found a dark alleyway secluded from the main village and sat there, in the dark. You thought about what she said... then your mind drifted away to your childhood. To your family. You held out your hand and a tiny flame appeared, lighting your face up.

'Severe sibling rivalry... huh?' You thought. The flame in your hand faltered, but it grew steady. You extinguished it and sighed.

'I should see where the others are.' You sat up, rubbing your face. You stopped, however, when there was a loud boom off in the distance. You took off immediately. When you got to the center of town, you saw your friends and the villagers.

"What's going on?" You asked, walking over to them.

"The volcano is about to blow!" Sokka yelled, pointing at it. You looked towards the distance and saw smoke rising out of it.

"Then why are you all standing here?" You inquired.

You placed your hand on his face and pushed him to the ground.

"Then what do we do if they won't listen to us?" You asked.

"But they will listen to Aunt Wu," Aang said. You quirked a brow.

"Did I miss something?"

You and the siblings stood outside Aunt Wu's place while Aang broke in to get her cloud-reading book.

"Why are we doing this?" You whispered to Katara.

"Because she's the only one who they listen to," she replied. You sighed and crossed your arms.

"... why can't we just threaten them?"

"We're not threatening innocent people, Y/n."

"They're not innocent if they won't listen to us!"

Aang popped out of the building, not-so-subtly waving the book around. You all agreed that Sokka would get Aunt Wu, and that the benders would fly on Appa into the clouds.

"Clouds are made of water and air, so between the three of us, we ought to be able to bend them into any shape we want," Aang said from the front of Appa. You and Katara looked at the book in the back.

"I found it—the symbol for volcanic doom," she said.

"How nice of a name," you said, peeking over her shoulder. "What an even nicer symbol." The three of you stood up. Aang bent the air around you, while you and Katara bent the water of the clouds. Appa flew around in the sky. Slowly but surely, the clouds were beginning to take shape. When you were done, you flew away and marveled at it. The skull you formed in the clouds.

You and the other two made it down to the village. It seemed the villagers finally believed what was going to happen.

"We could still save the village if we act fast," Aang exclaimed, "Sokka has a plan."

"Oh boy," you muttered.

"Lava is gonna flow downhill to this spot. If we can dig a deep enough trench, we can channel all the lava away from the village to the river," he explained.

"If any of you are earthbenders, come with me," Aang ordered.

"I'm an earthbender!" A twin said.

"I'm not!" The second twin added.

"Everybody else, grab a shovel!" Sokka suddenly pulled one out of his ass. But a gigantic boom that shook the ground quickly followed.

"We don't have much time!" You yelled, "Hurry!"

As the day turned into night, all of the villagers were digging trenches around the village. You used your water to soften the dirt for those with a shovel. Then another boom echoed, shaking the ground. The volcano was going to erupt soon. Lava was already spurting from the top.

"Everyone needs to evacuate! We'll come for you when it's safe!" Aang yelled. You walked up to the edge of a trench next to the siblings, watching the volcano beginning to erupt. Ash was already beginning to rain down. The four of you stood, the only ones facing it.

The lava began to flow through the forest, coming up to the village's entrance. It burned down the archway. It soon came rushing towards you, dipping into the first trench. The heat emitting from it was scalding, but your bodies were able to stand it.

"It's too much," Katara said, "It's gonna overflow!" The ground shook again, and the volcano spurted more lava out from the top. Smoke rose high into the air.

When more lava came down, Sokka and Katara turned to run. You and Aang stayed. You both glanced at each other and nodded. Aang used his airbending to cool the lava and harden it before it could fall on all of you. Steam arose from it. You took it from the air and transformed it into water, putting it into an extra flask on your hip.

The next morning, with the village not destroyed, they were all out to see you off. Except you weren't out with the others. You were asleep in the saddle, catching up on some much needed rest. You only opened your eyes when you were sailing through the clouds.

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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