Airplane {2}

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"Y/n, come on!" Katara tugged you. "I don't wanna talk to him alone." You looked at her with a quirked brow.

"Since when did the headstrong Katara of the Water Tribe get so shy?" You teased. You could see her cheeks tint a slight pink.

"I'm not shy! I just want you to be with me."
You sighed.

"Fine, fine! Let's go." You grabbed her wrist and dragged her over to where Jet was. He was leaning on a tree far from the others. You let go of Katara when you got close enough.

"Um, thanks for saving us Jet," she said, "We're lucky you were there." You rolled your eyes.

"So happy to make your acquaintance," you added on flatly.

"I should be thanking you," Jet replied, "We were waiting to ambush those soldiers all morning. We just needed the right distraction. And then you guys stumbled in."

"You're welcome," you said forcefully.

"We were relying on instincts," Katara said bitterly.

"You'll get yourself killed doing that," Jet said.

"On the contrary, not having instincts will get you killed as well," you interjected.

"Why take a chance if you're wrong?" He inquired.

"There's gonna be a chance you're wrong either way. Instinct or no instinct."
You and him stared at each other.

"Hey Jet, these barrels are filled with blasting jelly," the Duke called from across the site.

"That's a great score," Jet replied while smiling.

"And these boxes are filled with jellied candy," Pipsqueak added, holding up a giant crate.

"Also good. Let's not get those mixed up."

'I'll do it for you.' You thought, narrowing your eyes.

"We'll take the stuff back to the hideout," Duke said from the cart.

"You guys have a hideout?" Aang asked.

"You wanna see it?" Jet inquired. Katara zoomed up to his side.

"Yes we want to see it!" She replied excitingly. She then looked at you. You stared back at her before sighing.

"Fine, fine. Let's go take a look."
Jet smiled at you.

The lot of you followed Jet farther into the forest.

"We're here," Jet said. The forest floor was bare.

"Where? There's nothing here," Sokka said, looking around. Your eye moved up to the trees.

'They're in the trees.' You thought.

"Hold this." Jet held a rope loop out to Sokka.

"Why? What's this do?" He grabbed it from him only to be zipped up into the tree. He flew up with a screech. You laughed.

"What a fuckin loser," you said with a smile.

"Aang?" Jet offered the rope to him.

"I'll get up on my own." He used his airbending to spin himself from branch to branch. Jet then held the rope and held out his arm to you.

"Grab hold of me, Y/n," he said. You looked at him.

"I'm okay, thank you," you declined. You used your water to propel you high into the trees. You landed on the wooden planks. You looked around the base.

'Like an ant colony.' You thought.

"Hey Y/n!" Aang called, "Try this out!" He came zooming past you on the ziplines. You shrugged and made a stick out of ice. Running off the edge, you jumped and used your ice to zipline down. Feeling the cold hair whip against your face was like freedom.

"WOOHOO!!!" You yelled, zipping past Aang. You let go and landed on the bridge in front of Katara and Jet. The suspension bridge shook and swayed, but held tight.

"What are y'all up to?" You asked, melting the ice and putting the water back in your flask.

"We were just talking about how the Fire Nation has effected us," Katara replied.

"Did the Fire Nation do anything to you, Y/n?" Jet asked. You stayed silent for a moment.

"Summarizing it in less than five words, they broke my family," you replied, glancing at them.

"Is that all they did?" Jet inquired. You were confused on what he was talking about before it clicked. Your eye covering must look like you were injured or scarred.

"You act as if that's not enough," you retorted before turning and walking away. Jet and Katara glanced at each other.

That night, the Freedom Fighters held a feast as a celebration of ridding the Fire Nation camp.

"Today, we struck another blow against the Fire Nation swine." Jet stood up on the table. You let out a quiet sigh and drank your drink, ignoring his dirty feet were where you ate. Everyone cheered.

"I got a special joy from the look on one soldier's face, when the Duke dropped down on his helmet and rode him like a wild hog-monkey."
The Duke stood up on the table and walked in a circle. The others, including the gaang, cheered for him.

'Sanitation...' You thought, eye twitching. You elbowed Sokka slightly.

"Am I the only one who finds something odd?" You whispered.

"Not at all," he whispered back.

"Now, the Fire Nation thinks they don't have to worry about a couple of kids hiding in the trees. Maybe they're right."
Everyone around you booed.

"It's like we're in a cult," you muttered.

"Or maybe, they're dead wrong."
Then everyone switched gears and cheered loudly. Jet came to sit between you and Katara.

"Hey Jet, nice speech," she said.

"It was subpar," you commented blankly. Sokka snorted next to you.

"Thanks," he replied, "By the way, I was really impressed with you, Katara, and Aang." He looked at you.

"There was some great bending I saw out there today," he added.

"I know I bend great, thank you for the compliment," you replied, "Maybe if you quit being a bitch, you could bend too."

"Y/n!" Katara scolded. You shrugged, but closed your mouth.

"Well, he's great. He's the Avatar," Katara said, talking about Aang. "I could use some more training."

"Avatar, huh?" Jet repeated, "Very nice."

"Thanks Jet," Aang replied happily. You glanced at Sokka who glanced at you. You didn't like the way he said that.

"So I might know a way that you and Aang can help in our struggle," Jet said.

"Won't have time to find out," you said, standing up. "We have to leave tonight." Sokka followed you.

"I agree," he added.

"Y/n, Sokka, you're kidding me," Jet said, "I needed you two on an important mission tomorrow." Sokka stopped walking. You also stopped and looked at him.

"What mission?" He turned.

"Sokka," you said. He looked at you. You let out a sigh and conceded.


Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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