The Destiny Narrator

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You and the others were camping near a small beach. You poorly-put-together tent was put up and the fire was just kindling out. In the water next to you, a fish jumped out into the air.

"Look!" Katara stood up and pointed. All of you watched the fish dance in the air.

"He is taunting us," Sokka said, "You are so going to be dinner." He ran to grab his rod and jerked his arm multiple times.

"Hey, where's the fishing line?" Sokka realized.

"Oh, I didn't think you would need it, Sokka," Aang spoke, holding out the line that was woven. You raised your brow.

"You made a necklace?" You inquired. Sokka squinted his eyes at it.

"AH! It's all tangled," he said. Aang airbent himself to a standing position.

"Not tangled, woven," he corrected, "I made you a necklace, Y/n." He smiled preciously.

"Really?" You walked over to him and grabbed it. "Thank you Aang." You put it around your neck and hooked it behind. You let your hands drop.

"Well, how do I look?" You asked, turning around. Katara smiled at you.

"You look beautiful Y/n," she said, "I've never seen you wear jewelry." Aang turned around and almost fell into the lake behind you.

"You mean, all of you or just your neck?" Aang asked nervously, pulling his collar away. "I mean, because they both look great." He smiled at you.

"Smoochie smoochie. Someone's in love," Sokka said from the lake, hugging the fish to him. Then he got bitch slapped by said fish.

"I, well--"

"Quit your bitchin, Sokka," you said, "Aang's not in love with anyone. He's a good friend." You pat him on the shoulder.

"Thanks..." He said, a little disappointed. Out a little ahead of you, you four heard growling. Momo flew off first towards the sound, and Aang followed him.

"Someone's being attacked by a platypus bear!" Aang exclaimed. You all ran up to see an older man gracefully evading the platypus bear's attacks. The three of them then got closer and yelled different things to do to get away. You sat on the rock and watched on, slightly amused. Aang then intervened and sent a slight gust of wind towards it. However, it wasn't deterred. Then Appa appeared behind it, growling. The platypus bear shat out an egg before retreating back into the waters.

You joined the others on the ground when the man walked off.

"Hey Y/n, do you want to go learn about your fortune?" Katara asked. You tilted your head.

"My fortune?" You repeated.

"Just some Aunt Poo who can tell the future," Sokka said, hugging the egg to his chest.

"Aunt Wu, Sokka," Katara corrected. Aang opened the thing given to him by the old man and it was an orange umbrella.

"What do you know? An umbrella," he said, opening it and holding it over his head. It immediately began to pour. You protected yourself by bending the water away from you, and Katara did the same.

"That proves it!" She said, running under the umbrella.

"No it doesn't," Sokka argued, holding the egg above his head. "You can't really tell the future."

"Then I suppose you're not getting soaked," you replied. The egg he was holding levitated out of his hands, much to his displeasure. Then it came crashing on his head.

The four of you walked down the path with Appa in tow. You, Aang, and Katara were under the umbrella, while Sokka was left out.

"Of course she predicted it was gonna rain. The sky has been grey all day," Sokka said.

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