The Amazing Split

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You and the others were currently in another region on the map, just one of your many destinations.

"There it is, guys--the Great Divide," Aang said as all four of you were standing on the edge of a clif.

"Wow.. I could just stare at it forever," Katara said in awe.

"Looks like dry skin," you said blankly.

"Okay, I've seen enough," Sokka added, turning and walking away.

"How can you two not be fascinated?" Katara asked, "This is the largest canyon in the entire world."

"Then I'm sure we'll be able to see it very clearly from the air while we fly away," Sokka said, tugging Appa's reigns. Katara looked at you. You shrugged.

"HEY, IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR THE CANYON GUIDE, I WAS HERE FIRST." Some strange man appeared, almost knocking over Sokka. You walked in front of him.

"I don't know who the fuck you think you talkin to, but it sure as hell ain't us," you said, narrowing your eye at him. Katara placed a hand on your shoulder.

"Ooh a tour guide. Sounds informative," she said nicely.

"Believe me, he's more than a tour guide. He's an earthbender, and the only way in an out of the canyon is with his help," the man said. Sokka was behind him flapping his hand to mock him. "And he's taking my tribe across next."

"Calm down. We know you're next," Sokka said, walking next to you.

"You wouldn't be calm if the Fire Nation destroyed your home and forced you to flee." The main pointed his finger at you. "My whole tribe has to walk thousands of miles to the capital of Ba Sing Sei."

"You're a refugee," Katara said.

"No shit." You deadpanned.

"Huh! Tell me something I don't know," the man said. You narrowed your eyes before pointing your ice spike at his throat.

"Seriously dude... chill... before I make you."
Aang put his hand on your shoulder to calm you down. Off to the side, you saw a large group of people walking down the path.

"Is that your tribe?" Katara asked.

"It most certainly is not," the man replied, "That's the Zhang tribe, a bunch of lowlife thieves. They've been enemies of my tribe for a hundred years."

"Should I kill them?" You whispered to Aang.

"No killing people," he whispered back.

The man whistled.

"Hey, Zhangs!" He yelled, "I'm saving a spot for my tribe, so don't even think of stealing it." The leader, seemingly, got up in the man's face.

"Where are the rest of the Gan Jin?" The bigger woman asked. "Still tidying up their campsite?"

"Yes, but they sent me ahead of them to hold a spot," Gan Jin replied.

"I didn't know the canyon guide took reservations."
You deadpanned, watching the two of them go at it.

"I'm about to throw myself down this canyon," you whispered to Sokka.

"I'm right there with you," he whispered back. Then the people from the Zhang tribe began to shout at Gan Jin. From behind you, you heard rumbling. All of you turned to see rocks beginning to float into the air. Behind them was an older man who bent them out of the way.

"Sorry about the wait, youngsters," he said, "Who's ready to cross this here canyon?"

"He seems nice," you said. The three of them nodded in agreement.

"I was here first," Gan Jin said quickly ran to the front. "My party's on their way."

"I can't guide people who aren't here," the tour guide said.

"Guess you guys will have to make the trip tomorrow," Zhang said as she and her tribe walked past you all. You sighed and scratched your head.

"Can't we just cross without them?" You whispered to Aang irritably.

"I want to see where this goes," he whispered back. You growled and crossed your arms.

By then, the rest of the Gan Jin tribe arrived, wearing very fancy clothing.

"They were pampered," you muttered angrily. The Gan Jin were on one side and the Zhangs were on the other. You sighed angrily.

"I'm going on Appa," you said, turning around and jumping up into the saddle. You sat down and leaned back against it. You ignored the talking and the bickering as well as you could. You patiently waited for it to be over.

"Hey Y/n!" Sokka called up. You turned to stare over the saddle. "Let's go! We gotta load the sick and elderly onto Appa!"

"We gotta WHAT?!"

Once you helped everyone onto Appa, you looked at Aang.

"I'm traveling with them," you said.

"Huh? What about us?" Aang inquired.

"Yeah, you're just gonna abandon us?" Sokka added. You rolled your eyes.

"You three will do perfectly fine. Besides, I can give Appa company then." You hopped up onto him. You grabbed the reigns.

"We'll meet you on the other side," you said. The other three nodded.

"Yip yip," you said, gently whipping the reigns. Appa then took off into the sky and over the canyon. You sighed happily.

"Good luck you three." You smirked, leaning back against Appa. Some time through the ride, one of the Gan Jin elderly looked at you.

"Excuse me, miss," she said. You looked behind yourself at being addressed.

"Is something wrong?" You asked. She shook her head.

"Not, at all... it's just that... you look so much like Uyira..."
Your eye widened slightly.

"Is that so?" You inquired, "No one's said that to me before... besides—" You turned back to the front.

"—I thought the Dark Avatar's bloodline was killed off."

"Everyone thought it was," she replied, "But a child still lives..." Your brow furrowed.

'Why do they suddenly know about Yyn and I?' You thought. Appa cruised through the canyon right into night time. You stopped for a few minutes to allow Appa to rest after flying for hours. You watched over all of them from the saddle.

"You're doin good Appa." You patted him. "Only a little more to go." You looked back over the canyon.

"I hope they're doing okay..."

The next morning you set off immediately. After you got everyone onto the saddle, Appa took off. As the sun rose above the horizon, you suddenly got a bad feeling in your gut.

"Hey Appa." You leaned forward. "I'll be back, okay? I'm gonna go check on Aang and the others." You stood up and jump from him. You used your water to help propel yourself towards where the others had to be.

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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