The Male Monarch of Omashu {2}

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"Now, what do you have to say for yourself, Mr. Pippenpadlopsicopolis?"

"Okay, you caught me," Aang said, standing from his chair and raising his arms in surrender. "I'm the Avatar... doing my Avatar thing... keeping the world safe. Everything checks out." He looked under the table.

"No firebenders here. So, good work, everybody." He wrapped his arms around all of you and pulled you into him. "Love each other, respect all life, and don't run with spears." He slowly tried to walk all of you out of the room.

"We'll see you next time!"
The guards crossed their spears, blocking you.

"You can't keep us here," Katara said, "Let us leave!"

"Lettuce leaf?"
Your eye twitched.

"I'm gonna kill him," you said.

"Don't," Katara whispered back. Him gnawing on a piece of lettuce made you even more angry.

"We're in serious trouble," Sokka whispered to you all. "This guys is nuts."

"Tomorrow, the Avatar will face three deadly challenges," the King said, "But for now, the guards will show you to your chamber."

"My liege, do you mean the good chamber or the bad chamber?"

"The newly-refurbished chamber."

"Wait. Which one are we talking about?"

"The one that used to be the bad chamber... until the recent refurbishing, that is. Of course, we've been calling it the new chamber, but we really should number them... uh... take them to the refurbished chamber that was once bad!"
The four of you, including Momo, were escorted down a hall. They created a walkthrough in the wall to the chamber, and pushed you all in before quickly closing it back up.

"This is a prison cell?" Katara inquired. The room was nicely decorated with cloths and beds. Seeing the bed, your body acted on its own. You jumped onto the mattress and was out like a light, not caring about anyone else in that situation.

At one point in the night, the guards snuck into the room and proceeded to take Katara and Sokka. You were still dead-asleep. When they tried to take you, your body reacted. You used your water to freeze the one against the wall and held a frozen icicle to the other's throat.

"Don't... wake me up... again," you threatened, then flopping back down onto the bed, out like a light. The guard blinked at you before carefully leaving the room. He was questioned, but he just told his comrades that he'd rather not get decapitated for such a low-paying job. They left you alone to sleep. Not like waking you up would do them any good.

You opened your eyes and looked around. The room you were in was dark. None of your friends were with you.

That same familiar voice called out amongst the darkness. You spun yourself around only to catch a glimpse of dark hair.

"Hey..." Your voice echoed, "Where are you going?! Who are you?!" You chased after them, losing them in the dark.

"Y/n, stay alive!" The voice cried out. "You must stay alive! Don't let them catch you!"

"Stay alive?!" You repeated, "For what?! Who am I avoiding?!" Your questions faded into nothing. A woman appeared in front of you, donning her Fire Nation clothes.

"... mom?" You backed up slightly.

"Dear," she said, "Yyn has come back and knows you and the Avatar are alive." Your eyes widened slightly.

"How could she know?" You inquired, "I faked everything! My death, the body, my funeral... it was all so realistic! How could she know?!"

"Azula," your mother replied, "She told Yyn. She knew all along."

"But... how, I...?" You didn't bother to linger on that thought. "I should've killed her when I had the chance."

"Violence is not the only way, dear," your mother said, "Your opportunity will come, but you must be patient." You nodded at her, looking down.

"I wish you were here."

"Oh, darling." She reached out to touch your cheek. Her hand was warm, like it always was. "I will always be with you."

You bolted awake when Sokka screamed in your ear. You blinked, disoriented. He was saying something to you but you couldn't make it out. You squinted at him.

"... huh?"

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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