Snow Pinnacle: The Ghost Planet {5}

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It took awhile for him to get there, but you wanted answers. After the explosion, Katara came up with a plan to trick the Sages to open the door. When they did, Katara, Sokka, Momo, and Shyu attacked them. You stayed still.

"Now, Aang!" Shyu called. Aang didn't move.

"Aang, now's your chance!" Katara yelled. Aang appeared, only to have Zuko attached to him.

"The Avatar's coming with me," Zuko said.

"There you are," you whispered. You jumped from the pillar and launched towards Zuko who wasn't expecting you. You separated him and Aang, slamming into him. The both of you fell down the steps, but you used your water to protect you from the fall. He crashed into a wall and you stood over him.

"It's nice to see you again, Zuko," you said. He scowled up at you.

"Y/n," he greeted back, albeit a lot more hostile.

"I have a question I've been meaning to ask you," you told him.


"Back then, when you first found Aang at the Southern Water Tribe... you recognized me."

"Of course I did. I'm not an idiot."

"Then why didn't you expose me?" You asked, "You know Ozai wants nothing more than to end the bloodline of the family that almost killed his."

"Sending you to my father proves no use to me!" He exclaimed, "I don't want you, I want the Avatar!" Your eye narrowed.

"You've changed since your exile," you said. He was momentarily taken aback from your statement. "The seas have not treated you well."

"Shut up!" He firebent towards you, but you just used your water to extinguish the flames.

"Don't be stupid now, Zuko," you said, "A firebender won't beat a waterbender."

"Don't talk to me like you know me!"

"I know you well enough. The question is... do you know me?"
You used your water to whip him down more steps. He yelled as he tumbled down them. You turned and ran back into the room, quietly sneaking yourself closer to your chained friends. Zuko stumbled up to the top of the steps.

'Wow... he recovers fast.' You thought, staying hidden behind a pillar. Zuko, as well as the other four Sages, tried to use their firebending to open the door, but it wouldn't budge.

"Why isn't it working? It's sealed shut," Zuko said.

"It must have been the light," one Sage replied, "Avatar Roku doesn't want us inside."

'Good.' You thought, spectating. Zuko ordered the four Sages to bring Shyu out. When they forced him onto his knees, Zuko stood in front of him.

"Why did you help the Avatar?" Zuko demanded.

"Because it was once the Sage's duty. It is still our duty," Shyu replied. You heard clapping come from one side of the temple. You looked over and saw Zhao walking by with his men behind him.

'Zhao.' You thought, scowling.

"What a moving and heartfelt performance," Zhao said, "I'm certain the Fire Lord will understand when you explained why you betrayed him."

"Commander Zhao--" One of the Sages bowed.

"And, Prince Zuko, it was a noble effort, but your little smokescreen didn't work," Zhao said, "Two traitors in one day. The Fire Lord will be pleased." A soldier grabbed Zuko.

"You're too late, Zhao," Zuko declared, "The Avatar's inside, and the doors are sealed."

"No matter. Sooner or later, he has to come out."
Your eyes narrowed at Zhao. You never liked him and his stupid, monkey-beard lookin ass. Zuko and Shyu were chained to the pillars, and Zhao and his men waited at the doors.

"When the doors open, unleash all your firepower," Zhao ordered. You suddenly appeared by his side.

"Watcha waiting for?"
Instinctively, he bent fire towards your face. You put it out with your water. His men all bent fire towards you. You managed to avoid it. You suspended and separated the water, freezing them into spikes. When you ran, they followed. Fire was spewed towards you, but you and the icicles avoided them. You slid your foot forwards and pushed your hands out. The ice spikeso pinned the men to pillars and the floor. Zhao was the only one left.

"Well... aren't you a talented waterbender..." He smirked. "Y/n." Your eye widened for a split second and he took that chance.

"Y/N!!" Katara and Sokka yelled. Your body moved on its own. The water used to pin the men melted and slid behind Zhao. The fire he sent towards you hit your arm. You flew back, but you flicked your hand towards you. The water encased Zhou's body and froze. You landed on the ground, clutching your burned shoulder. Sokka and Katara called out to you. Zuko seemed frozen to the spot, horrible flashbacks coming back to him. Zhao and his men recovered. Zhao stood up and walked closer to you. You rested up on your uninjured arm, grunting a little. Just as Zhao was about to finish you off, a bright blue light shone from inside the sanctuary along with smoke. When the doors opened, you had to shield your eye away from the light. Zhao took his attention off of you and trained it on the open doors.

"Ready?!" Zhao commanded.

"No! Aang!" Katara yelled. You turned yourself and tried to bend the water on the floor.

Both Zhao and his men firebent towards Aang. However, the fire began to spin. Through the flames, you could see the figure of Roku. He sent the flames back towards Zhao and his men, sending them flying. The fire also melted the chains, freeing Shyu, Katara, Sokka, and Zuko. Zuko ran for it. Sokka ran over to you and helped you up, aiding you in running back over to the others. Seeing Roku in the Avatar state sent chills down your spine... and adrenaline. You don't know why.

"Avatar Roku is going to destroy the temple," Shyu warned, "We have to get out of here!"

"Not leaving without Aang!" You declared, then flinching. Sokka held you up.

"Just go! Get out of here!" Katara told him. Shyu nodded and ran. Pillars of lava shot through the temple and Sokka shielded you, and you shielded Katara. Then the lava pillars died down. The smoke receded and circled around Aang, and Roku's ghostly apparition disappeared. When Aang reappeared, Katara ran toward him to support him. Sokka helped keep you steady to walk over to him.

"You okay Aang?" You asked him. He nodded.

"Yeah," he replied, "Thanks. Where's Shyu?"

"He left. I don't know where he is," you replied.

"Well this is great."
The four of you stood at the staircase which was being filled with lava. Your shoulder was still burned, but it wasn't hurting as badly. A pillar collapsed behind you, forcing you four to run. When you looked out through the opening of the temple, the entire thing was tilting and collapsing. That's when you saw Appa flying by. All of you slid down the temple's roof and landed on the bison's back before flying away. You all watched as the Fire Temple was destroyed.

It was a full moon that night. You and the others were just cruising along. You stood up and sat next to Aang, patting his back lightly.

"Is your arm okay?" Aang asked. You nodded.

"Yeah," you replied, "It'll be fine." You took some water from your pouch and pressed it into your skin. It glowed lightly before the burn mark was healed. Aang gaped at you, but you just put a finger to your lips.

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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