The Runaway {2}

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As the guards began to swarm the stage, the four of you huddled closer.

"I think it's time to go," Sokka said as the two of them removed their masks. You also removed yours.

"Follow me!" You heard someone say. "I can get you out of here!" There was a cloaked man hiding behind a broken wall, waving at you.


"Hell no bitch." You grabbed the three of them and hauled ass. The man threw a smoke bomb and you four followed him through the town and alleys.

"I'm calling Appa," Aang said, blowing his bison whistle.

"I sure as hell hope he can hear that!" You exclaimed.

"This way!" The man pointed down an alley. But when you turned, more Fire Nation soldiers appeared at the other side.

"Okay, not this way." He threw another smoke bomb and you all ran down a different direction. Only to realize it was a dead end. You were then cornered even more by Fire Nation soldiers. Up above you, you heard growling, and the huge body of Appa appeared.

"Appa, down here!" Aang exclaimed. Appa chased away the soldiers and you all hopped in his back before flying into the sky. He threw another bomb into a crate of fireworks and set them off. You all flew away from the town and into the night.

"Nice touch setting off the fireworks," Aang said to the man who removed his hood.

"You seem to really know your explosives," Sokka added.

"I'm familiar," the man replied, looking back at you. Sokka's and Katara's eyes widened.

"You're a Fire Nation soldier," you said calmly.

"Was," he corrected, "My name's Chey."

The lot of you camped out in the middle of a forest far away from the town. It was night time by that time, and you had a small fire burning.

"I serve a man--more than a man, really--he's a myth--but he's real--"

"Get to it already," you sighed from your place on the floor.

"Jeong Jeong the deserter," Chey said, "He was a Fire Nation general." Your eyes widened slightly. Is that who mother spoke of often?

"Or wait... was he an Admiral?"
He was an Admiral. You kept those words to yourself, though.

"He was very highly ranked. We get it," Sokka said.

"Yeah! Way up there!" Chey exclaimed, "But he couldn't take the madness anymore. He's the first person ever to leave the army and live. I'm the second, but you don't get to be a legend for that. It's okay though."

"What's the point of all this?" You asked.

"Jeong Jeong's a firebending genius," Chey went on, "Some say he's mad, but he's not. He's enlightened."

"You mean there's a firebender out here who's not with the Fire Lord?" Aang asked excitedly before standing up. "We've gotta go see him! He can train me!" Your gaze travelled away from Aang.

"We're not gonna go find some crazy firebender," Sokka replied from the side. Jeong Jeong stood up after.

"He's not crazy! He's a genius!"

"Your disposition isn't helping your claim," you replied, leaning back on your hand. "Besides, he sounds like the perfect person to train Aang."

"He is!" Chey replied, "That's why I followed you into the festival." Sokka stood up.

"Look, thanks for the help, but we're leaving for the North Pole in the morning," he said. Aang and Sokka looked at each other.

"Sokka, this could be my only chance to meet a firebending master. Who would actually be willing to teach me."
Katara also stood.

"It can't hurt just to talk to him," she said.

"That's what you said about going to the festival!" Sokka argued, "Why doesn't anyone ever listen to me?!" Sokka turned, only to be greeted by a blade. Several people jumped down from the trees, wielding spears. They surrounded you all.

"Don't move," the one said. You stayed sitting on the ground, letting out a small sigh.

"You want me to kill them?" You spoke up from the ground. You immediately felt the cold sting of a blade on the back of your neck. "Okay I'm going to kill them--"

"Don't do anything rash," Sokka quickly said. You let out a growl.


You and the others were being guided by the strangers--Appa was walking behind you all. You stood at the back of the gaang, watching the strangers carefully.

"Hold on, you know these guys?" You heard Sokka ask from in front of you. Chey's voice was a little far for you to hear, but you strained to listen.

"Oh yeah. Lin Ye's an old buddy. Right Lin Ye?"
The entire group stopped walking for a moment.

"Shut up. Keep moving," Lin Ye replied, pointing the spear at Chey's back. The lot of you resumed walking. You all were led to an open area--one that had a small lake going through it. In the middle of it was a small hut.

"Go on," Lin Ye said to Chey, "He sees you only."

"Oh that's okay," Chey replied, "We can chat later." He still looked nervous, though.

"Is that where Jeong Jeong is?" Aang asked, "I need to talk to him right away." He started to walk down to the creek, but Lin Ye blocked him with the spear.

"No. You wait there." He then began to push Chey forward. "Go, now!"

"Don't worry! Eveything will be fine," Chey said to Aang, "He's a great man." He walked down the hill to the creek. Lin Ye then directed you four to another small hut.

You were dead asleep in the hut, in between Sokka and Katara. After your travels and the Fire Festival, you needed the rest. Though, you were able to hear bits and pieces of a conversation between Aang and Chey. That's about it, though. You sank back into your subconscious.

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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