Snow Pinnacle: The Ghost Planet {2}

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It was nearing sunset again with you and Katara back in the village. The both of you were standing outside of the house, waiting for either Aang's or Sokka's return... preferably both, though. You spotted someone flying towards you and nudged Katara. You ran down the small steps.

"Aang!" You exclaimed.

"You're back!" Katara cried, following after you.

"Where's Sokka?" You asked.

"I'm not sure," Aang replied sadly, lowering his head. The sun was setting even more. You placed a hand on his shoulder.

"You'll get him back, Aang," you said.

"I hope so too."

Now night, Aang was waiting outside of the village gates. You and the others were watching him from the window. After a little while, Aang turned around and began to walk back. That's when Hei Bai tore through a building, spitting out beams of energy from its mouth.

"That's a huge bitch," you said dryly.

"Aang! What are you doing?!" Katara yelled, "RUN!" The spirit growled at the building you were in and made its way over to you.

"You had to yell," you commented to her. The spirit shrunk in size. Aang jumped over it and pressed his hand to its forehead. A light blue glow emanated. From your spot, you could see a panda bear flash through. You blinked and rubbed your eyes, looking at it again, but it was still Hei Bai.

'... what the fuck?' When you got over your shock, you saw Aang hand over a nut to Hei Bai.

"... he's too damn precious," you said quietly. Hei Bai picked up the nut and turned around, returning back to its normal panda-bear self.

"Well shit, it actually worked."
As it made its way out of the village, you and the other went outside. When it got past the gates, bamboo sprung from the ground. And out popped Sokka as well as the other missing villagers.

"Sokka!!" Katara cried, running up to hug him. Multiple other villagers greeted their returned loved ones. You just smiled at them from a distance.

You and the others were getting ready to leave the small village.

"Thank you, Avatar," the man said, "If only there were a way to repay you for what you've done."

"You could give us some supplies and some money," Sokka immediately said.

"And some better sleeping blankets," you added on.

"Sokka, Y/n!" Katara nudged both of you.

"What?" You defended, "We need stuff."

"It would be an honor to help you prepare for your journey." He bowed before walking off to the side.

"Hey." You elbowed Aang slightly to get his attention. "I'm proud of you. You didn't do too bad on your own."

"Actually, I did have a little help," Aang replied, "And there's something else." His mind seemed to drift off to something.

"What is it?" Sokka asked.

"I need to talk to Roku, and I think I found a way to contact his spirit," Aang said.

"That's great!" Katara replied.

"Creepy, but great," Sokka added.

"There's a temple on a crescent-shaped island, and if I go there on the solstice, I'll be able to speak with him," Aang explained.

"The solstice is tomorrow," you said.

"Yeah, and there's one more problem," Aang replied. You sighed.

"Let it rip."

"The island is in the Fire Nation."

"I'm leaving."

"Nope! No you're not!" Sokka turned and pulled you back.


Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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