The Thunderstorm {2}

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You heard the crack of lightning and a silhouette presented themself at the cave's entrance.

"Help! Oh please, help!" They cried. You and Katara ran to the old woman. She helped walked her in, and you tried her off.

"It's okay, you're safe," Katara said.

"But my husband isn't," the woman replied.

"What do you mean? Where's Sokka?" Katara asked.

"They haven't returned," the woman answered, "They should have been back by now and the storm is becoming a typhoon." As the three of you got closer to the fire, the flames created shadows on your face.

"They're caught out at sea!"
Aang stood up.

"I'm going to find them," he declared.

"I'm going with you," you replied.

"And so am I," Katara agreed.

"I'm staying here!" The old woman sat down.

As the three of you readied to go out, Katara promised the old woman that you'd be back soon. Then you left. You tried to navigate through the storm. You bent the rain around you to create a bubble of water to protect you.

"Where are they?" Katara asked. That's when you saw a huge wave tower over you.

"Come on Appa!" Aang exclaimed, pulling on the reigns. You turned the water bubble into a drill, and as Appa flew through it, the water created a tunnel around you. You were now soaked, and the raging sounds of the water, rain, and thunder filled your ears.

"The boat! There!" You heard Aang shout, pointing in the distance. Appa flew over to the rocking boat and you, and Aang jumped down. You bent the water around the boat to calm it, steadying the ship. A lightning bolt struck the mast, which sent it falling towards Aang and the other two. You raised the water from the boat and created thick ice spikes. The mast hit the tips and it split straight down the middle. Sokka and the fisherman tied themselves with rope and Aang went to help them. They were whipped onto Appa.

"Y/N! COME ON!" Aang yelled. You turned and ran, sliding around on your water and creating an ice ramp. You lept onto Appa. However, before you could get away, a wave, much taller than the first, collided into you. You all were sent under the water, but still held on. You opened your eye and looked around. Then you saw Aang and his tattoos and eyes glowing white. He sat back on Appa and connected his fists. A spinning ball of air surrounded you, allowing Appa to move through the water. When you breached the surface, Zuko's ship passed by under you. You and Aang looked down at the slightly surprised Zuko before Appa flew out of the storm through the eye of the storm.

You and the others went back to the cave where the woman was resting. When Aang and the fisherman got off, you used your water to slap Sokka in the face.

"HEY! WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT FOR?!" He yelled in your face.

"For being reckless, you big dumb goof!" You yelled back. He groaned and rubbed his head, then walked over to talk to the fisherman.

"Katara, Y/n, I think you were right before." Aang walked up to you. "I'm done dwelling on the past."

"Really?" Katara inquired.

"Finally," you said, deadpanning. Katara nudged you.

"I can't make guesses about how things would have turned out if I hadn't run away." Aang then perked up. "I'm here now and I'm going to make the most of it." You bonked him on his head.

"Glad to hear that," you said, "Now you won't have nightmares anymore."

"If you weren't here now, well, I guess I wouldn't be either," the fisherman said, walking up to you guys. "Thank you for saving my life, Avatar." Aang smiled.

"Do you hear that?" Sokka asked, walking towards the exit. "It stopped raining."
All of you stood on the ledge and watched the sunbeams peek through the clouds. Appa then shook himself out. While the other moved out of the way, you simply suspended the water droplets over your head. Then you slapped Sokka with them.


Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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