Airplane {4}

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The sun was beginning to rise over the horizon. You watched as Smellerbee and Pipsqueak dragged Sokka in front of Jet. You were normally a patient person, but seeing them manhandle Sokka lit a fire in you. Then, Jet ordered them to take Sokka for a 'long' walk. You jumped from the branch and landed on the ground. You drew your water, but something was weird. Instead of the crystal blue water, it was darker in color.

"One chance, Jet," you warned, "Let him go."

"And here, I thought I could put my hope in you," he said. You narrowed your eye.

"Bad mistake." As soon as you moved, they all dispersed around you. Longshot shot his arrows at you which you blocked with your water. Smellerbee ran up at you, blades drawn. You swiftly avoided her attacks, while simultaneously bending your water. You blocked her blades with your water and froze her hands.

"HEY!" She yelled when you ran from her. You used your water to whip Longshot in the face, knocking him out. Pipsqueak tried to use his size against you, but you balled the water around his face, effectively submerging him while out of water. You then turned your attention on Sneers.

"Y/n! You're drowning him!" Sokka exclaimed. You turned to look at Pipsqueak who was running out of breath. You growled and ripped the ball of water from his head. Once most of their main ones were down, you ran towards Sokka. You suddenly spun on your foot and avoided Jet's hook sword. You grabbed the blade and used your water to slice through his before stabbing it in the ground. You balled the water up and around him, trapping him in it. You then threw him against the tree, incapacitating him. You grabbed Sokka and began to run.

"Shouldn't we warn the others?!" Sokka exclaimed.

"You think they'll listen to us after I attacked them?!" You yelled back, "Katara trusts him way too much! She has to see for herself!"

"Then where are we going?!"

"To the village, dumbass!"

When you arrived at the village, you told Sokka to tell the villagers to evacuate, just in case. You stood on top of the entrance to the village, facing where the dam was. You heard a bird call. You heard another bird call in response. You knew better. You widened your stance and took a deep breath in. You heard an explosion echo through the valley. A raging torrent of water sloshed through the valley. You exhaled before raising your arms. The water surged upwards in a giant, stand-still wave. You strained a little, but with a few breaths, you circled your arms and hands. The water spiraled upwards. You transferred your weight to one leg and pushed your arms out. The water vortex collapsed in the opposite direction. You used your stored water and quickly bent it over there. Taking advantage of the time and moving it quickly, you froze the water in a rising incline. The water crashed against the ice, but didn't break through. You lowered your arms when the water calmed down. You used some of the water to propel you over to where you could sense the others. Sokka was there too, riding Appa.

"Y/n!" Katara exclaimed, running up to you. "You did it!" She hugged you.

"I'm sorry I didn't trust you."
You waved her off.

"Don't worry about it. Now you can be more careful next time."

"Y/n, you fool!"
You looked over at Jet who was frozen to a tree. "We could've freed this valley!" You looked at him.

"Who would be free, exactly?" You inquired as the others got on Appa. "Everyone would've been killed."

"You traitor!"

"Not the first time I've heard that." You jumped up onto Appa's back.

"Katara, please, help me."

"Goodbye Jet."
You helped Katara onto Appa.

"Yip yip." Sokka told the bison. You flew away, leaving Jet behind. During the cruise, you fell asleep in the saddle, tired from all the action from the past couple of days. In your sleep, you saw the same glowing black eyes.

'Uncover your eye. You're already changing.'

'Kiss my ass and let me go to sleep.'

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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