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Hi and welcome to this book!

This particular storyline is one I've been wanting to write for a very long time, but I didn't know how. I wrote an os mostly because I didn't have enough ideas for an entire book and also to see how people reacted to it. I think people have mixed opinions about the topic as some people might find it taboo. But I wanted to explore the possibility of turning the os into a book, so I did.

I wanted to finish the whole book before I started uploading because I get stuck very easily and especially when I write either filler chapters or smut. But I've finished the first 20 chapters and instead of doing daily uploads like I usually do, I'll upload every other day instead. I know how fast I'll catch up with myself if I do daily uploads when I'm not finished yet. I'll switch to daily uploads if I feel like I can do that. As for right now writing is going pretty well, so if it continues like that, I'll have it finsihed in no time.

Other than that, there's just a few things I want to say:

- English isn't my first language, so there might be mistakes. You're very welcome to correct me, but please don't be rude about it.

- The whole book is in Louis' POV.

- There's gonna be smut

First chapter will be up tomorrow.

I hope you enjoy!

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