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I put the note down and cheated by looking out of my window, smiling stupidly to myself at the sight. He had put the safety net up around the trampoline in the ground and from what it looked like, he had hung blankets up the entire way around along with fairy lights inside. It wasn't the best time of year to do this as it was quite cold outside, but I appreciated the gesture. I couldn't tell what was inside, but I went downstairs instead of wondering about it. I opened the door to the backyard and went outside without shoes on as I knew the grass was dry, smiling when found the opening in the safety net and went inside. 

"Hey," he said.

"Hey," I smiled. 

The trampoline was filled with pillows, duvets and blankets to keep us warm, and Sophie was sitting between them with her pacifier in her mouth. It wasn't a surprise she was there as Harry had spent the afternoon with her. I didn't mind her presence anyway. We had plenty of time to be alone when she had fallen asleep, not to talk about tomorrow and half of Sunday. It was quite convenient she napped during the day, that giving us more than enough time tomorrow. I had a feeling we were gonna need it.

"I got us pizza," Harry said. 

I knew we weren't done talking. It wasn't gonna be that easy, and Harry still owed me an apology, but it could wait until Sophie had been put to bed.

The pizza trays were placed on top of one of the duvets, and I sat down in front of them while he was already sitting on the other side. He found a hat between the blankets and hid Sophie's curls when he put it over her head, covering up her red ears before we started eating. We didn't talk much, but the silence wasn't as uncomfortable as it had been the past week. It wasn't particularly comfortable either, but that was only because the tension was a mixture between what we hadn't quite solved yet and the need to touch each other. 

"Do you want us to sleep out here?"

"If you want to?" 

"I do," I admitted, blushing slightly as I thought back on the day I asked him if he thought it would be fun to have sex on a trampoline—perhaps we'd know by tonight, but we needed to talk first. 

"Sophie almost took her first steps today."


He hummed and told me how she had been close enough for him to know she'd get there soon. I smiled in response to his excitement and took Sophie's pacifier when she threw it towards me. She let herself fall backwards and looked into the sky with an expression that showed nothing but amusement. And when we were done eating, and Harry leaned down to kiss her all over the face, she broke into laughter and my heart melted as she continued. She was awfully precious, and it made me realise a part of me wanted to be with Harry more than I dared to admit. Not just as boyfriends, but as something that would eventually turn into a family. A family where we weren't stepbrothers but married and raising kids. It was a dream that couldn't possibly turn into reality, but somehow the thought stuck with me while I watched him interact with Sophie.

"Let's get you to bed, shall we?" Harry asked, kissing both of her cheeks before he got back up. 

He picked the pizza trays up, and I offered to take Sophie so he didn't have to go twice. I put the pacifier back in her mouth and carried her inside and upstairs while Harry put the pizza trays away. I took off her hat and jacket, her curls messy enough to make me smile as I put her down in the bathroom. Everything about her reminded me of Harry, but it was much more prominent now that I knew she was his. 

"Figures he's the one who made you, huh?" 

"Do you wanna change her diaper?" Harry asks from behind me, probably after hearing me say what I did. 

Bittersweet - LarryWhere stories live. Discover now