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I drove with Harry to school Monday morning. I had forgotten I lived an extra ten minutes away now, so I would've been late if I had walked like I usually did. Harry was used to the attention when he walked through the halls, but I wasn't, so it was unusual to be the centre of it simply because I was walking next to him.

"I don't like this," I said.


"Being watched."

"Just ignore it."

"They're looking more than usual, aren't they?" 

People weren't subtle when they whispered, so it was obvious they were already making up rumours. I should probably have seen it coming because Harry Styles didn't date, and no one could come up with another explanation for why we'd be walking together.

"I don't usually have company in the morning."

"Sometimes you do."

"Have you paid attention to me?" 

I looked at him, his smirk being enough to let me know he was teasing. "Everyone pays attention to you."

"I didn't think you did."

"I can appreciate the sight of you without wanting your babies." 

He chuckled and took a moment to come up with a response. "Don't you think we'd make cute babies?" 

"I reckon your babies would be cute no matter who you made them with."

"Right, but ours would obviously be extra cute." 

"You might wanna let that go."

"Because of our parents?"

"No, because we're both guys."


"Guess the pretty ones are stupid."


I rolled my eyes before I spotted Liam at his locker, sighing as I stopped in my steps. Harry looked at me with a frown, but I kept looking at Liam because I still hadn't apologised for what happened yesterday. I didn't necessarily have anything to apologise for, but I knew Liam wasn't gonna see it that way. Zayn had already made his intentions very clear, and it was obvious to everyone that he didn't under any circumstances want love, but Liam was pretending the obvious wasn't obvious because he was craving love again.

"I have to go."

"Wait," he said, letting his fingers wrap around my wrist before I could get anywhere. He slipped it into my hand instead, pulling me closer so he could whisper in my ear. "By the end of the day, everyone is gonna think we're dating."

"Is that what you want?"

"Might not be the worst thing." 

I wasn't too surprised at his words, knowing it was purely because it would prevent people from trying to ask him out. "News travels fast in high school, Harry."

"Meaning what?"

"We're almost stepbrothers, so you can't do this in front of everyone." 

I pulled back to look at him, and he let go of my hand, his eyes turning a shade darker. He was turned on by the idea of us, so perhaps I should've been more specific. He wasn't allowed to do this when we were alone either, but I accidentally made it sound that way.

"I want you." 

I looked up at him, and the deepness in his voice was enough to make me shiver in response to his words. I hadn't really noticed it until now, how his voice got deeper when he was turned on.

Bittersweet - LarryWhere stories live. Discover now