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The next month went by fast and within that time, everyone found out about our parents. It made Harry less flirty during school hours, which was understandable, and I appreciated him for being careful. It was different at home, his flirty comments making me blush while our parents didn't catch onto any of it. Gemma seemed suspicious, but she hadn't said anything, yet I had a feeling it was only a matter of time. Harry wasn't particularly subtle when he put a hand on my thigh under the table, and while our parents didn't think too much about why we spend so much time together during the evening, it made Gemma more suspicious than the flirting.

She didn't dare to walk in without knocking though. Not because she was afraid she'd catch us doing something inappropriate, but because it wasn't polite. It was good she didn't because most of the time we were caught up in a make-out session rather than the movie, my lips satisfyingly numb whenever we stopped. We never took it further than kissing, somehow finding the willpower to stop each other whenever our hands went to places they shouldn't.


I looked up at Niall when he sat down next to me. He hadn't talked to me since I told him my mom was marrying Harry's dad. He had simply stopped interacting with me, but now it seemed like he had made a decision. I didn't want him to ask me out again, but the conversation gave me the opportunity to get distracted from the fact that Harry was currently half-naked and about to take a shower as PE had ended a few minutes ago.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I wanted to ask you out." 

I sighed in response, knowing the right thing was to reject him, but I couldn't find it in myself to do so. "When?"

"Whenever you're free." 

My first instinct was to postpone it as much as I could. The wedding was next Saturday, and Harry and I had been forced into helping out all week, so even if I had wanted to get it over with instead of postponing it, it wasn't an option.

"I already have plans this weekend, not to mention I'm on wedding duty next week, so if we can push it to the weekend after the wedding, that would be great." 

I didn't have plans over the weekend, but he didn't need to know that. It would simply have been too soon.

"So two weeks from today?"

"Yeah. You have a football game that Friday, right?"


"I'll come and watch and then you can take me out afterwards."

"Great," he smiled, looking at me for another moment before he left the locker room. 

He hadn't had PE with us, but no one had stopped him from walking into the locker room. I looked at Harry again, his wet body luring me in until I had enough willpower to look away again. I stripped off myself and took the other end of the shower so there were at least four guys between us, everyone always rushing when PE was right before lunch. Harry and I were the only ones who seemed to be in less of a rush, knowing we'd get the locker room to ourselves as soon as everyone else cleared out.

"Come here," he said, closing his jeans while the locker room door closed after the last person left. 

He was still shirtless, my hands tracing along his muscles when I reached him, and he tilted my head backwards before he kissed me. I hummed into it, each kiss growing deeper and more desperate than the last, every slide of his tongue against mine turning me on as much as the taste of him. I found myself blindly reaching down to unbutton his jeans, Harry stopping me before I got them open. He pushed me away carefully, making me sit down so we could take a break before we got too turned on to stop.

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