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I snuck into Harry's room when Zayn and Liam had left. Zayn had woken Liam and I up to offer Liam a ride home at 9 am. It would've been easier for Zayn if he had slept at home when he had work in the morning, and it would've been easier for Liam if he had said no. I could've driven him home later, but a ride from Zayn gave him the opportunity to spend time with him. It wasn't more than ten minutes, but it seemed to matter nonetheless.

I crawled under Harry's duvet as he was still in bed, putting an arm around him before he turned around instead. His eyes were still closed as he pulled me into his arms, his half-naked body pressed against mine under the warm duvet. I sighed in relief and nuzzled further into him, wondering if my feelings for him were gonna continue growing even after we stopped doing what we did.

"This is nice," he said. 

I hummed in response, knowing this was a new addition to our agreement. We had kissed and kissed and kissed, but never once during the past month had we cuddled. We had left each others rooms before we could get far enough to do so, fearing for the possibility of falling asleep in each others rooms. It wouldn't be unexplainable if we got caught sleeping in the same bed. We spent most nights together already and our parents knew that, so falling asleep in the same bed wasn't the issue. The issue was getting caught before we woke up and with our bodies intertwined.

"What are you doing?" I asked, biting my lip when he slipped a hand into my boxers and squeezed my ass gently.

"Just let me." 


I had taken it a lot further last night, working him up only to deprive him of an orgasm when Liam and Zayn's argument got in the way. I let him do as he pleased because of that, the pleasure a bonus I couldn't say no to. 

"You're getting hard."

"So are you." 

"I know." 

I looked up at him, staring into his eyes before I accidentally let them fall to his lips. He leaned in and bumped his nose with mine, but I pulled back and looked into his eyes again. 

"No kissing."

"Why not?"

"We haven't brushed our teeth yet." 

He pouted, but he knew as well as me that making out with morning breath wasn't particularly pleasant. "We don't have to use tongue." 

I smiled and leaned in to kiss him, letting our lips move against each other gently until I rolled onto him instead. He pulled his duvet of us when it got too warm underneath it, the sudden cold making me shiver, but it passed quickly as his hands were all over my body. I stopped kissing him and attached my lips to his neck instead, tongue trailing his skin while he squeezed my ass again, this time with both his hands. It caused our hardening members to press against each other, a soft moan escaping us both as soon as it happened, eyes rolling before I bit down on his skin.

"Now that's what I thought." 

I whined in response to Gemma's voice, rolling off Harry before I accidentally rolled off his bed too, groaning when I landed on the floor.

"Why didn't you knock?" Harry asked while I got up, getting into a sitting position and leaned against the headboard before he pulled his duvet over himself to hide his obvious erection. 

I covered mine with my hands once I stood up, looking at Gemma who was standing with a rather restless Sophie. It seemed like she was determined to get out of her hold, whining and squirming to succeed.

"I thought you were asleep," Gemma said.

"Then why did you come in?"

"Sophie wants you."

Bittersweet - LarryWhere stories live. Discover now