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I was cold when I woke up, which wasn't strange when I had pushed the duvet off me during the night. I squinted my eyes when I opened them, avoiding the sunlight as much as I could before I turned around. I lifted the duvet Harry had over him and then the blanket under it, his body warm when I lifted his arm to put it around me and rested my head on his chest. I made sure I was covered up completely by both the blanket and the duvet.

"You're cold," he mumbled.

"I'm naked."

"There's plenty of blankets." 

I hummed in response because I honestly didn't know how it happened. We had fallen asleep with our bodies intertwined and covered by what we were currently covered by, yet I had somehow slipped out of his hold without something to cover me.

"You're warm enough." 

He kissed me on the top of my head, and we laid quietly for a few moments, but his naked body tempted me more than I wanted to admit. I traced my fingers along his abs, but I slowly moved them further down, Harry's heart rate increasing in response. I carefully traced my fingers along his hardening member, barely touching him, but it was enough to make him hard.

"Louis," he breathed, whimpering when I teased the tip with my fingers. 

I wrapped my hand around him and slowly moved it up and down his length, continuing until he was fully hard and my own cock was throbbing against his body. I moved onto him completely and moaned softly when my cock pressed against his, pressing a kiss to his lips before I sat up instead. I took him in my hand again, and he ran his hands up my thighs and onto my hips, squeezing gently while I smeared out his precum to use it as lube. I lifted myself up afterwards, and Harry sighed in relief when I let the head of his cock slip into me, closing my eyes when the rest of him slid into me just as easily. I gasped in response and took a moment to breathe when we were skin to skin. I was still slightly sore from last night, but it was awfully satisfying to be filled again.

Harry looked up at me without saying anything, breathing heavily while he let me take my time. He knew as well as me that I wasn't adjusting to the stretch, but rather enjoying the feeling of being full before I did anything else. His abs tensed up when I started moving my hips back and forth slowly, teasing him before I lifted myself up and dropped back down, a moan ripping through my throat. He kept his hands on my hips to keep me steady when I continued, slow being the only way for us to do it as the bouncing from the trampoline didn't do us any favours if we went faster.

He slid in and out of me effortlessly and moved his hands from my hips to my ass, spreading my ass cheeks apart to get even deeper in. I choked on a moan in response, knowing he could only brush against my prostate a certain amount of times before I was about ready to fall apart, and I was already making him hit it every time I dropped back down. But I held back as long as I possibly could, yet when he took my cock in his hand, I knew it was only a matter of time before he pushed me over the edge.

He smeared the precum out and down my length before he squeezed at the base and dragged his hand to the tip slowly, causing my orgasm to rush through me all at once. Time seemed to fall apart while I did the same and once again every possible consequence of what we were doing disappeared into thin air. 

I could feel him throbbing inside me, but I was too sensitive to continue, not to talk about how tired my legs were. I got off him instead and moved between his legs to take his cock in my hand. I licked along the underside before I swirled my tongue around the tip, humming in response to the precum as I took him in my mouth. I sucked around the head gently, that being all it took for him to get there, fingers clenching in my hair while his cum shot into my mouth. I swallowed it before I licked off the remains and continued stroking him until his orgasm had let of him completely. He relaxed against the trampoline and reached out for my t-shirt to clean the hand that was still covered in my cum, continuing to his stomach afterwards. I kissed along it afterwards and continued along his chest, kissing him softly when I reached his lips.

Bittersweet - LarryWhere stories live. Discover now