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Looking back at it, I suppose shouldn't have expected something different. Double beds weren't exactly uncommon in hotel rooms. It was more like the opposite. Yet I had still expected two single beds instead. The only thing that was concerning was the fact that I thought it was concerning. The fact that Harry was gonna sleep next to me half-naked wasn't even the problem. The problem was the unmistakable tension and his willingness to let me touch him. It was dangerous when I was so awfully weak in his company.

"Are you okay? You look a little pale." 

I glared at him and let my bag fall to the floor before I went into the bathroom. I locked the door and peed as I needed to, taking a moment to look at myself in the mirror while I washed my hands. I was trying to convince myself it wasn't gonna be as hard as I thought it would and for a moment I almost believed it. But then I pictured him in his boxers, and it all went down the drain.

"Let's go," I said when I came back out.

 He followed me outside again where we ran into Gemma and Sophie who was apparently in the room next to ours. Gemma smiled and handed Sophie over to Harry who was now overly excited. He seemed about ready to burst every time Sophie as much as looked at him. It was quite adorable.

"Come on," Gemma said, making us follow her into the elevator. 

There was much less tension this time, Harry barely capable of focusing on anything else than Sophie. She giggled every time he tickled her, and it wasn't until now I noticed she had dimples. Though it wasn't too much of a surprise when Gemma had dimples herself. Harry's were similar too, and I suddenly got an urge to poke them, a frown appearing on my face when the urge hit me. I shook it off when the elevator stopped, and we stepped outside to meet our parents again, both of them smiling at the sight of us.

"How far are we going?" Harry asked.

"Just down the street," my mom said. 

We followed them outside and turned right to walk down the street. It was still strange to see her with someone when it had always just been the two of us. I knew she had been dating here and there, but never to the extent of letting me meet them. It had never been this serious, so it was as new for me as it was for her, and watching her hold hands with someone important was relieving. I wanted her to be happy, and I wanted her to find love again because my dad clearly hadn't been it for her. Gemma seemed to get along with her as well, which was even more relieving as it was something they had both wanted.

"Gemma is really kind," I said.

"I know," Harry chuckled. 

We continued the rest of the way in silence and when we entered the restaurant we were guided to a table near the back. Gemma went to get a chair for Sophie and put it down at the end of the table so Harry could put her in it. He and Gemma sat down on each side of her like the last time, and I sat down next to Harry before I even thought it through.

"Are you satisfied with your rooms?" my mom asked.

"Ours only have one bed," I said. "Did you know that?"

"It's just a couple of nights, honey." 

I hummed in response and looked at the menu instead of responding. I understood what she was saying, but a lot could happen in a couple of nights and maybe that was why I froze when Harry put a hand on my thigh under the table.

"What are you doing?" I whispered.

"Calming you down." 

I reached down to push it away, making him chuckle before he looked at the menu himself.

Bittersweet - LarryWhere stories live. Discover now