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"Come here," Harry said, making me turn around as he closed my door behind him.

I looked at him for another moment before I did as he told me to. He took hold of my hips and bumped his nose with mine before he kissed me. He moved one of his hands to my cheek and deepened the kiss, making my head spin before he pulled back and rested his forehead against mine. 

"Remember who you belong to."

"It's just a date."

"I don't care," he said, squeezing my hip gently "You're mine."

"Is that so?"

He hummed in response—I couldn't even deny it was hot that he was claiming me, and I'd much rather stay home with him than go out with Niall. "We need to have the house to ourselves soon."

"Why's that?"

"I need to touch you." 

He pulled me closer and slipped his hands over the curve of my ass and into my back pockets, squeezing my ass through my jeans. We hadn't touched each other since the shower Sunday morning, and I was getting just as desperate as he was. I needed to feel his skin under my fingertips and his lips on my body, the thoughts making me slip my hands under his shirt. 

"Me, too." 

"Promise me you won't kiss him."

"I promise."

"Good—otherwise I'm gonna have to punish you."


"I'll figure something out." 

He reached up to tilt my head to the side and kissed me softly under the ear, continuing further down my neck while I hummed in response. My heart rate increased as he gradually turned the featherlight kisses into wet ones instead, my hands moving further down before I hooked my fingers in the waistband of his jeans.

"Maybe I should kiss him." 

He bit down on my skin in response, making me whimper while he squeezed my ass again. I wasn't planning on kissing Niall, but I could definitely get used to this.

"When do we have to leave?"

"Now, but just..." 

I held onto him, and he smiled against my skin when I forgot to finish my sentence. I wanted to stay here forever, but I couldn't break my promise to Niall. A part of me was looking forward to it. Not because I wanted to date him, but because I liked him as a person, and I was sure we were gonna have a good time.

"I wanna stay here."

"We can't." I pushed him away carefully, making him pout as he slipped his hands out of my pockets. "Let's go."


"Cheer up, baby." 

I kissed his pout away before I found my phone, and we left to go downstairs. We told our parents we were leaving and made our way outside and into Harry's car. We met up with Zayn and Liam when we got to the school and continued towards the football field where the bleachers were already filling up. I had expected an outcome like this, but the weather seemed to be getting worse. It wasn't raining yet, but it was only a matter of time before it started, and I had forgotten a jacket, much less an umbrella. 

"Remind me again why we're doing this," Zayn said as he zipped up his jacket. 

Liam gave him an explanation. I suppose it made sense that they were here to make sure we didn't slip up. Harry wasn't particularly discreet, and while I thought it was a bad idea to be on the edge of getting caught, Harry seemed to find it exciting.

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