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I woke up to Harry's lips trailing my spine. I hummed in appreciation and laid still while he turned the featherlight kisses into open-mouthed instead, scattering hickeys all over my back before I turned around under him.

"Hi," he said.


He kissed my nose, and I smiled in response, reaching up to run a hand through his hair.

"What is this new agreement of ours?"

"There are no rules anymore," I told him. "Except for the obvious one."

"Which is?"

"Don't get caught." 

He chuckled while I wrapped one of his curls around my finger. "Do you feel guilty?"


We had taken it further than we should, but I felt no hint of guilt. I thought I'd feel guilty about not feeling guilty, but I felt somewhat content with what was happening between us. 


"Do you?"

"No." He leaned down to kiss me softly, knowing I wasn't gonna let him deepen it when we hadn't brushed our teeth yet. "How about a shower?"

"Okay," I smiled. 

He moved away from me so we could get up and into the bathroom. He turned on the water while I put toothpaste on my toothbrush, still completely naked when I lifted myself onto the counter. I had fallen asleep before getting back into my boxers, but Harry didn't seem to mind.

"Your hair is a mess," he said, running a hand through it before he took his own toothbrush. 

He watched me brush my teeth while he brushed his own, a comfortable silence falling between us before we both spit the toothpaste out and put our toothbrushes back in their holder.

"When is everyone else coming home?" I asked.

"I don't know." He moved to stand between my legs and placed his hands on my hips. "But I'm sure we have plenty of time."

"For what?"

"Depends on what you want."

"I'm too sore for sex." 

He smiled before I rested my forehead against his. I hissed when he pressed his thumbs into my hipbones gently, making him pull back to look at the bruises that were already forming from last night.

"Sorry," he said, smirking slightly as he traced his thumbs over them. 

I didn't mind the bruises, just like I didn't mind the hickeys he had left on my back. I lifted his chin, eyes meeting mine before I leaned in to kiss him. He hummed into it and slipped his boxers off before he lifted me off the counter and into the shower, pressing me against the wall while he deepened the kiss. The tiles were cold against my back, and my legs were tight around him, fingers disappearing into his hair.

"No more," I said, pulling back while he pouted. "We don't know how long we have."

"Don't wanna get caught in the act, huh?"

"That's the only rule, so put me down."


He put me down on my feet, and I closed my eyes as I stepped under the water to get wet. He took ahold of my waist and pulled me closer to him, brushing his lips against mine despite what I had just told him.



"You have to stop."

"Turn around." He was ignoring what I said, but I did as he told me to either way, biting down on my lip when he put his hands on my ass. I didn't necessarily understand his obsession, but I let him do as he pleased without complaining, sighing softly as he squeezed gently. "It's perfect."

Bittersweet - LarryWhere stories live. Discover now