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Our rendezvous continued for the next month without any trouble. We were mostly too eager to wait for the house to be empty and quite often, almost every night, we snuck into each others rooms where Harry kept a hand over my mouth while he fucked me. It was risky, but we seemed to get more and more careless as so many days passed where we didn't get caught. I wasn't sure whether or not Gemma knew we had started again after the wedding, but if she did she didn't say anything. I don't think she cared much either way.

I, on the other hand, cared too much. Not about getting caught, but about the love I could no longer run from. I had fallen in love with him, but despite knowing it was rather inconvenient, I had no intention of pulling away from him. It was why I barely had a problem with making our with him in the locker room once again. It was empty, but the unlocked door was a risk we had taken because it would've been too suspicious if we had locked it.

"We should get going," Harry said, making me chase his lips before I pouted. "You're cute when you pout like that."

"Piss off."

"You're blushing." 

I rested my forehead against his shoulder to hide the blush he was talking about. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly, the way he did when he got overwhelmed by his feelings. I had learned it slowly throughout our time together, but it was the same way I got overwhelmed. When it seemed like I was gonna explode from love and therefore needed him closer as if that was gonna stop my heart from bursting.

"Don't let go," I mumbled, tightening my grip on him when I got overwhelmed too. 

I suppose we were both holding back from telling each other how we felt. It was only three words, but it wasn't that simple. If we hadn't been in this inconvenient situation, I was sure we'd already have said it, but it was a risk like everything else. Having sex was one thing, but admitting to being in love was another. Maybe it wasn't just about the hug when I asked him not to let go. Maybe I didn't want him to let go of me at all.

"I won't," he said. "But we really should get going."


"I need you closer than this." He pulled away and took my face in his hands, kissing me softly before he smirked. "And naked."

"Now, that was unexpected." Niall's voice makes us break apart, panic rising within me while he broke into a wicked grin. "I suppose it makes sense. You were unusually upset when I told you he knocked up my girlfriend."

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"I could ask you the same question, couldn't I? You're stepbrothers after all."

"What do you want?" Harry asked.

"I didn't think I wanted anything, but now that I have a photo of you kissing, I might just come up with something." 

I teared up before I could stop it from happening. Niall was turning into someone I didn't recognise. He was cruel in a way I had never thought was possible for someone like him, and his usual kindness was nowhere to be found. 

"What do you get out of exposing us?" I asked.

"It would be humiliating for you, wouldn't it?" 

It suddenly made sense why he would even consider it. He had been humiliated by Harry and Leah when they decided to hook up and now everyone knew about it. They didn't know about Sophie, but they knew Harry had slept with Leah and that he didn't regret it. Somehow that detail made it even more humiliating for Niall. People had made up their minds about both of them, but Niall got it wrong. He thought people were thinking of him as a pushover, but in reality, they felt bad for him. Niall had nothing to be humiliated about, but he thought he did.

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