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We had pizza for dinner, that being what was easiest since it was moving day, and we gathered around in the living room to watch a movie while we ate. It was strange and unfamiliar to be so many people gathered around at the same time, but it was unusually nice. I suppose my mom was right about change being good, and while I still needed to get used to it, I was almost positive it was gonna be okay to live here.

"What are the rules on having friends over?" I asked.

"Depends on the amount," Desmond said.

"I've only got one."

"Have him over any time you want."

"Does that count for tonight too? Cause we usually spend Saturday night together."

"Of course."

"Thank you." 

I finished eating before I texted Liam that he could come over, sending him the address when he told me he couldn't remember it. I left to go back upstairs before the movie was over, needing to sort out a few things before Liam came. I had asked for another extension cord when I realised I needed an extra for my tv and PlayStation, and I wondered where the ones I used at home went. I was sure I had packed them, but I had looked through all my boxes while unpacking, and they were nowhere to be found.

"Louis?" I looked up to see Harry standing in the door with a couple of red plastic boxes. "Your mom said you forgot these in the car."

"Thank you," I said, letting him put them down on my bed. 

"You're welcome."

I opened one of them and sighed in relief at the sight of my chargers and my controllers as I had forgotten where I had left them. I was about to open the other when I remembered what was in it, the knowledge making me look up at Harry. 

"She didn't open them, did she?"

"I don't think so."


I pushed the box aside, but Harry followed it with his eyes before he reached out for it. I was about to stop him but decided it wasn't a big deal. He took off the lid and raised his eyebrows in response to the content of the box. He turned it upside down and let all of it fall out, toothbrush, toothpaste and soap going first, followed by a pack of razors, the box of condoms, the almost empty bottle of lube and the dildo I hadn't wanted my mom to see.

"How often do you have sex?" he asked, almost making me chuckle at his bluntness while he picked up the dildo to turn it around in his hand. 

I watched him do it, wondering how Liam could be so against touching it when Harry didn't, but perhaps it was because he had already had his fingers inside me. "A bit personal, isn't it?"

"Just wanna know why you're in need of this."

"Probably because I don't have sex as often as you do." 

I had sex often enough, but I suppose our definitions of often enough were different. As far as I knew once a week was often enough for Harry, but for me, it was more like once a month if not less because I wasn't particularly needy when it came to sex. Harry had made me unusually needy, but I had kept the dildo for a reason, and it had been enough until now. Now I needed more and not just anything, but Harry. I also knew often enough would change into much more than just once a month if a got a boyfriend. Right now it was stranger after stranger, but if I found someone I wanted all the time, there was no guarantee I could even keep it to once a day.

"How much sex do you think I have?" he asked.

"A lot."

"Right," he said, his expression turning into something I couldn't tell what was, making me frown while he looked down. 

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