Chapter 10.

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"You know it all. You're my best friend. Morning will come again."


Jungkook stared at his phone with a heavy pout hanging on his lips. Life had been hard for him after his V hyungie started to ignore him

In the meantime, there was another thing that Jungkook confirmed..

He may or may not have started to develop feelings towards V. Jungkook was completely new to that concept. He only loved his family members, Jimin and banana milk. Ah and iron man. He was sure that whatever he was feeling towards V was a bit different from what he was feeling towards others.

Love.. Was that the word? Jungkook didn't know. He didn't try to find it out either. If it's love then it's love. Jungkook was sure that he'd figure it out later. He wasn't in a hurry. Plus, if he gets more confused in the future, he could always take help from the walking encyclopedia that his mother gave birth to before him.

Anyway, since Jungkook's life got too bored after V started to ignore his texts, he finally gave up on asking about love bites and limping from the man.

Little fetus:
Hey V

Little fetus:

Little fetus:
Don't leave me on read

Little fetus:
My fragile heart can't bear that 🥺
I'm a delicate little flower after all

Little fetus:
Okay fine
I won't ask about hickeies

Little fetus:
Kookie promise

But if you break the promise, I won't text you

Little fetus:
Fine daddy

And stop calling me daddy

Little fetus:
Jimin always call his bf like that

That's because they are dating

Do you perhaps want to date me??

Jungkook cheeks turned bright red when he read that text. Of course, he wanted to date him. But there's was no need to ask it like that. Little angels tend to get shy very easily. Thought the rosy-cheeked beauty.

Change hyungie into my man
Yes no

Little fetus:
I think you haven't noticed
I have a very expensive taste in men 💅

Little fetus:
Idiots aren't my type

My man:
So I'm exactly your type

Little fetus:
You wish

Little fetus:
Can we talk about something else?

My man:
Something else?

My man:
Like what?

Little fetus;
What do you wanna talk about?
I'm the one who always ask questions
Now it's your turn

Little fetus:
Don't you want to know anything about me?

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