Chapter 18.

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"Mix the colours in the palette, pick your filter. Which me do you want?"



Taehyung had a plan.. First, tell about Jungkook to his parents and then go and meet Jungkook's parents. Then finally go and meet Jungkook as his V hyungie..

It was a Friday afternoon.. Taehyung called Namjoon and asked him to send Jungkook out with Jimin so that he could meet the Jeon couple and Namjoon.

Namjoon was confused at first. But after Taehyung promised to explain everything after he visit them, Namjoon agreed to send Jungkook away for the day and keep Taehyung's visit a secret from the little brat.

Taehyung wanted to talk about Jungkook with his parents. But before that, he decided to talk with Jungkook and ask him about his crush on "Mr Kim" just like Jimin told him to do.

Hi baby

My koo:
Hi daddy

What are you doing?

My koo:
I just came back from work

So how's work?

My koo:
Boring as usual😪

And the boss?

My koo:
Hot as usual☺️


And you said
I DoNt hAvE a cRUsH oN hIm

My koo:
I don't
I told you before

My koo:
Why would I even have a crush on a natural beach umbrella?

A what?

My koo:
✨ A Nature's Beach Umbrella ✨

What the-

My koo:
A coconut tree hyung.. a coconut tree..
Why would I have a crush on a coconut tree?

Come on be serious!

My koo:
I AM serious

Okay.. what if HE has a crush on you?
What would you do if he asked you to be his boyfriend?

My koo:
I'll ask him to get a brain scan


My koo:
If he crush on me after all the things I did to him, there's something definitely wrong with his brain..
Better get checked before it gets serious


My koo:
Well.. I understand what you mean.
I'm an angel..
No matter what I do, I guess anyone would fall for me

My koo:
Everyone likes pretty people
Mr Kim can't be an exception

Yeah yeah.. obviously..
Just tell me..

Will you accept him if he ask you to be his boyfriend?

My koo:
What the hell???
Ofcourse not

✅ V is taehyung [ Taekook FF ]Where stories live. Discover now