Chapter 15.

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"Now, I'm over pretending.. So let's put the "end" in friends.."


The first thing Taehyung did after going home was texting Jungkook. He wanted to know what Jungkook thought about meeting him.

My man:
Hello baby

My baby:
Hell on for me😤

My man:
What happened?
Didn't you get the job?

My baby:
I'm not that  lucky.

My man:
After all those pranks you pull, I don't think the universe would bless you with any luck

My baby:
Respectfully Shut up
Don't make me put my hand through the phone and choke you

Change my man to my idiot
Yes         no

My idiot:
Calm down baby

My baby:
I'm trying

My idiot:
So how's your workplace?

My baby:
Boring 😴

My idiot:
So what about the boss?

My baby:

Once again, Jungkook successfully managed to make Taehyung choke on his spit. Taehyung did NOT expect something like that. He thought Jungkook would curse him in all the languages he knew.

Change my baby to my bold baby
Yes             no

My idiot:
More than me🤨

My bold baby:
I don't know how you look
But I'm sure that he's hotter than you

My idiot:
But you don't even know how I look
How can you be so sure that he's hotter than me?

My bold baby:
Cause he's literally a god
He's not hot, he's the definition of hot

My bold baby:
Even his voice is hot

The great CEO was blushing like crazy. Even his ears were red. He knew that he was handsome but he didn't expect to hear that from the boy he was in love with. Not anytime soon. Taehyung placed the phone aside and hid his face in his palms. There was a huge smile on his face.

After a few minutes, Taehyung took his phone again and texted Jungkook. But his lips didn't stop showcasing that perfect boxy smile.

My idiot:
You speak like you are already in love

My idiot:
Do you have crush on him?🤨

My bold baby:
Pfffft of course

My bold baby:
Do you think I'm that crazy to have crush on a fucking light house?

My idiot:
A what?

My bold baby:
Seriously v hyung
I think he secretly eats coconut trees

My idiot:
Coconut fruits?

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