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So my cousin recently joined wattpad and she started writing a book. Please do go to her profile and add "ADEBIMPE" to your library and reading list, you won't regret it. Don't forget to follow her too...... dami_writes

Someone commented that on my first book "LIKE STARS", the female lead also hated Economics... I hate it real life swears... In my WAEC theory, I drew my graph and slept off..... Don't ask me what I had... Lmao...

That's a picture of Chioma up there.


Chioma yawned the moment the Biology teacher left the class.

"Thank God, we have free period before lunch" Chioma said placing her head on her table.

Fefe nodded absent mindedly as she continued flipping through her textbook.

"What are you looking for?" I asked.

"Something, I've seen it sef" Fefe replied.

"Announcement! Announcement! Announcement! " the class captain said as everyone turned to her.

"Mrs Ogunyebi said we should submit our practical notes tomorrow morning" Safe said as someone hissed.

"Also, I think we'll be getting a new prep prefect" Safe added.

"What? New prefect?" Chioma asked.

"Yup. Seems like Snr Erica complained that she cannot continue to supervise our class" Safe replied.

"Someone that has no LQ" someone chipped in and the whole class roared with laughter.

"So who's next?" Kunle asked still laughing.

"We've this six PP since we started SSS2,they all keep running away" Moyo said shaking her head.

"Are we that bad?" Kunle asked no one in particular laughing.

He was ranked number three most notorious guy on SSS2 block. He was the maim culprit that chased every Prep Prefect we had away.

Till now, I wonder how he gets As' in his report sheet.

"If everyone is talking, you shouldn't talk" Safe told Kunle who scowled at her.

"You are the main culprit"Safe added "Thanks you we have a reputation of chasing Prefects away" Safe said sighing.

"They should just bring Snr Daniel" someone said.


"Say wetin?"

"I don't want to die oo"

"Guy nah, abeg no dey say nonsense oo"

I held my stomach as I laughed.

These people ehn....

All of a sudden, the class went quiet as someone strolled inside the class. My eyes widened as I turned to Chioma who's eyes had also widened.

Everyone had surprised looks on their faces.

"This is SSS2 S right?" Daniel asked a frown on his handsome face.

"Yes" Someone replied.

"So you guys are the ones who keep chasing your PPs away bah?" Daniel asked his eyes scanning the class.

BEING A TEEN SERIES: THAT GUYWhere stories live. Discover now