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Ade's eyes had already darkened as he moved menacingly towards Kanyin.

"Watch what you say about me" Ade said.

"I'm just saying the truth. She's a slut! And she just want to use you" Kanyin said as Ade lifted his hands to slap her.

Instead his hand went someone else's face and Kanyin was stunned seeing the figure in her front.

"Jas..... per..... When did you get here?" Kanyin asked.

Jasper wore a small smile as he used his cardigan to cover Kanyin's body.

"Snr Ade, I apologise. Kanyin was just being overbearing" Jasper said to Ade.

Ade sighed as he looked at Jasper's cheeks that was fitted with his hand marks. He sincerely liked Jasper because he was humble despite being a key football player in the team.

"Are you angry with me?" Ade asked.

Jasper laughed as he shook his head "Circumstances reveal people's true colour" Jasper said as Ade nodded.

"Get some balm on your face" Ade said as Jasper nodded and pulled Kanyin away.

I watched as Ade also lead Funmi out of the dining. Everyone started talking about the incidence.

"Do you think Jasper and Kanyin will start dating?" Chioma asked.

"Probably but it might take a long time" I said looking at my food.

"I actually lost my appetite already" I said as I stood up.

"I'll eat your food" Chioma said as she poured my food into her plate.

"See you guys later" I said and walked out of the dinning.


"Your hair is fine o" Promise said as I smiled.

"Shey you like it?" I asked and he nodded as he continued flipping through his textbook.

"If you hear what Fefe said about Dann ehn?" I said as Promise raised his head to look at me.

"Isn't she tired of talking about him?" Promise asked laughing.

"That's not even the point. What she said today is hilarious" I said laughing.

"What did she say?" Promise asked.

I repeated what Fefe said and Promise burst into laughter. He leaned over the table and laughed. Tears started coming out from his eyes and I looked with a startled expression.

"Snr Promise, its funny but the way you are laughing is out of it" I said laughing slightly.

"Dann oo, they said the book will turn to water" Promise said as I frowned as realisation dawned on me. I turned to see Phil and Dann at the door. I was stunned.

Phil suddenly burst into laughter too while Dann wore an unpleasant expression. They walked inside the class while Phil staggered while I laughed. I stared at him intently memorizing how he looked when he laughed.

"Snr Dann, Snr Phil" I hurriedly greeted.

"Toke, how are you?" Phil asked a small smile still on his lips.

BEING A TEEN SERIES: THAT GUYWhere stories live. Discover now