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"You want to buy something?" Me era asked in surprise.

"Hmmm" Phil replied as he walked into the school's mall. Meera was surprised to see him walk into the snack section.

"What are you buying exactly?" Meera asked him.

"Cheese balls" Phil said chuckling slightly.

Meera smiled as she stared at him. She had noticed Phil had been in a good mood for a while. He laughed lightly and smiled often.

"Cheese balls? I don't remember you liking Cheese balls" Meera said as Phil carried out a pack of Cheese balls.

"Its not for me" Phil said as Meera stood stunned.

Phil was buying for someone else?

"Someone else?" Meera asked to confirm.

"Yeah. Its a present" Phil replied "I wonder who asks for a pack of cheese balls for a present "Phil added as he laughed lightly.

Meera swallowed her saliva as she tried to maintain a smile.

"Wow, who is it for?" Meera asked.

"Toke" Phil replied as he placed the Pack of Cheese balls on the counter.

Meera sucked in a breath. She should have known when she saw him smiling in the clinic that day. Toke had seemed to respect him as a Senior so she didn't bother about it and besides Toke clearly knew how much she loved Phil. Chasing someone for six years was no joke.

"Wow. I didn't know you two were that close" Meera said.

"We are not close" Phil said "This is her present for emerging first in her two races" Phil added as he carried the nylon.

Meera tried to regain a calm composure as she walked. Phil had not gifted her before except on her birthdays. She noted internally to call for Toke.


"You didn't forget?" I asked as I peered inside the nylon and saw a pack of cheese balls.

Phil pouted "Just because I forgot that doesn't mean I forget everything I say" Phil replied as I laughed.

There was this warm fuzzy feeling in my heart. I was feeling all warm all over.

"You bought it yourself?" I asked.

"Yeah" Phil replied as I nodded.

"Goodluck in your JAMB" I said and Phil nodded.

"You should promise me a present too" Phil said.

I nodded "Hmmmm.... That's sound fair" I said.

"So if I score above 300.... "

I laughed "I know you will score above 300, just tell me what you want" I said as Phil wore an amused smile.

"That was no fun" He said as he slipped his hands into his pockets.

"I'll think about it" He said as he strolled away.

I laughed as I walked swinging the nylon in my hands. I wondered what Phil would ask for as a present. I giggled as I raised my head and saw a female standing and waiting for me.

"Senior Meera" I called slowly.

"Follow me" Meera said as she turned and started walking away.

I swallowed my saliva and walked behind her. I suddenly felt very guilty and lowered my head.

"How are you?" Meera asked but I kept my face on the ground an didn't reply. Meera glanced at the nylon in Toke's hands and jealousy welled up in her.

"Do you want to hear a short story? Its actually long but I'll keep it short" Meera said.

"I met Phil during the entrance examination. Such a cute boy attracted a lot if people. He wasn't even smiling yet I was already smitten by him. I mistaken hit him and he smiled at me, I was taken aback. We became friends and I discovered that he wasn't only handsome. He was handsome both on the interior and exterior" Meera said her back facing me.

"When we resumed I always hung around him and we became quite close. Phil is my everything Toke, my everything. I've been chasing him for six years! That's not a joke.  I don't know what's going on between both of you. I understand feelings might have sparked during the times he trained you for the inter house but the Inter-house competition is gone now so please leave him alone" Meera said as I suddenly raised my head.

"I don't want to" I replied as Meera swiftly turned towards me.

"What did you say?" She asked.

"I don't want to" I replied.

"Toke..... "

"Six years is a long time Snr Meera. To chase a guy for six years is not a joke. It somehow defines how much the person means to you but even in the next ten years Snr Phil won't like you" I said.

"My love is enough for both for us" Meera stated firmly.

"No. There's nothing like that. You have to love each other but that's not the case here" I replied.

"I'll make him fall in love with me!" Meera bellowed.

"You've been trying for six years Snr Meera; have you ever wondered why its not working?" I asked slowly.

"I don't want to know" Meera replied "I'll keep trying" she added.

"Just leave him alone, you don't need to tell me you've fallen in love with him" Meera said.

"Snr Meera, why are you so scared? A lot of girls like Snr Phil and they talk to him, do you meet all of them like this and tell them to leave him alone?" I asked knowing the answer already.

"Certainly not" Meera replied.

"Then why me?" I asked annoyed.

Meera didn't reply as she stared at me. She didn't know either, she didn't know why she became so guarded towards Toke but her instincts were never wrong.

"I met him first, leave him alone" Meera said.

I took a deep breath as clutched the nylon I was holding tighter. I did not want to cause a rift between I and Meera, Fefe's relationship and I might get affected.

"I already said I don't want to" I replied in a monotone as I turned to walk away.

"And Snr Meera, let's clear a misunderstanding" I said turning to face her slowly.

"I met him first" I replied as I started to walk away leaving Meera stunned.

Oh yes! I met him first, even before you knew he existed.





THIS IS CRAZY.............


BEING A TEEN SERIES: THAT GUYWhere stories live. Discover now