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So everyone kept saying Fefe was the one who said 'Don't touch me' let's see nah.. She might not be the one after all.

So I want to address a matter but I'll do that in the next chapter.

So at this point, who's your favourite character? Mine is Promise, he's cute..... Lmao....



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The moment the bell for dinner was rung. I heaved a sigh of relief. While others practiced, I chatted with Promise. Everyone knew he was friendly but I was surprised at how easily it was to get along with him.

Everyone started walking towards the dinning hall and Promise walked to where Phil was standing and talking to others.

They all dispersed and it seemed as though Phil had forgotten I was kneeling down.

"Snr Phil" I called out.

Phil turned back wearing a frown on his face. I shuddered immediately and gathered all my courage to continue talking.

"Can.... I.... Stand up?" I asked fidgeting.

He turned back and waved his hands. I grinned as I shot up to my feet dusting my knees. A few stones had formed small holes in my knees.

"My pretty legs" I whined as I tried looking for Fefe and Chioma.

I didn't find them until I got to the dinning hall. While Chioma was wearing an excited expression; Fefe was wearing a huge frown.

I rolled the spag on my fork as I listened to Chioma rant about her house.

"Can you believe Snr Semiloore is my house?" Chioma asked with an excited look on her face.

"Really? That's interesting though" I replied as I turned to Fefe "What's doing you?" I asked.

"He's in my house" Fefe replied.

I raised my eyebrow as I shoved another spoon of spag in my mouth.

"Who's he?" I asked.

"Snr Dann" Fefe replied.

I busted into laughter almost choking on my food.

"Both of you are fated" I said as Fefe hissed.

"Fated kor, destined ni" Fefe replied as I nodded.

"More like destined" I added as Fefe glared at me.

"And for your info, this year. Ain't gonna be clapping. Snr Phil is my personal coach" I replied assuming an air of arrogance as Chioma and Fefe looked at me in surprise.

BEING A TEEN SERIES: THAT GUYWhere stories live. Discover now