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Inter-house sport day was a day girls could make up and the school wouldn't oppose it. Chioma had gone off to the SSS3 dormitories since she was part of the royal procession.

"I don't even know the people in my house royal procession" I said as I carried my bag.

Fefe walked beside me staring at the girls who walked past us. Some wore light make up, some did total make overs.

"That's Bisola nah" Fefe said pointing towards a girl who had an heavy makeup on. Her cheeks shone with light blush and the eye lashes she fixed trembled as she spoke.

I opened my mouth and closed it "She's pretty" I mumbled.

"Yeah, I almost didn't recognize her until I saw her ugly teeth" Fefe said and I laughed.

"Are you nervous?" Fefe asked.

"Why would I be?" I asked wiping my sweaty palms on her trousers.

"You are" Fefe said smiling.

"You'll do just fine. Trust me" Fefe said as she went to her house and I walked down to my house.

Phil was already standing there talking with some other seniors in my house. Prefects had different sport wears. They all wore Blue track suit.

Phil did not zip his track suit showing off the white round neck he wore underneath. The track suit that was supposed to be big hug his lean legs.

"All runners assemble" one of the seniors said.

I quickly joined them and listened to Snr BJ talk but I was barely listening. My eyes were fixed on Phil who was talking with the House Master.

"Toke, are you listening?"

I quickly turned towards BJ and gave him a small nod.

"You are apparently the newest runner here but we trust you and your coach" BJ said an I nodded.

My eyes widened when I saw Masoma. Her face was caked yet how can someone become uglier with makeup?
Even her mates were laughing at her but she ignored them and stuttered towards Phil.

"What's on your face?" Phil asked with a frown.

"I made up. Is it fine?" Masoma asked.

"You look weird, get a wipe and wipe it off" Phil said with annoyance and walked to join the Prefects.

The Prefects jog around the field meant the commencement of the competition. The Prefects started jogging and I watched with full interest. Suddenly Promise eyes and I met. He looked away instantly.

What was going on?

I decided to wait till they finished jogging before approaching Promise. He didn't seem like he was okay, I could see it from behind the glasses. Dann wore his usual expressionless face and I laughed as I hoped he and Fefe had not had a showdown already. It was just a wish, I trusted Fefe's mouth.

The competition started with an Open Race. Each house was yelling for their contestants and Blue House wasn't an exception. I wasn't yelling or clapping though, I just stared. It was the first time during an inter house sport that I wasn't yelling or clapping.

Blue House runners kept their pace between the 5th, 7th and 10th position. By the time they were going for the last round, everyone increased their pace and ran like their life depended on it.

In the end, Pink House won 1st and 2nd, Purple House 3rd, Blue House took 4th, 5th and 7th.  It was a nice start. The events continued until it reached senior 100m female. I slowly removed my sneakers and my socks.

"Are you ready?" BJ asked me and I nodded.

My eyes were all over the place but I couldn't fit Phil. I swallowed my saliva and other houses representatives started to walk out.

"I'll go first" my partner said.

"Don't come back if you don't take first"

Hearing that ever familiar alluring voice made me clam down immediately and I turned with a huge grin.

"Roger that coach" I said as I walked after my partner who looked at me in surprise. She was also an SSS3 student.

"You guys seem close" she said.

"Nope. He's just my coach. We have to familiar with each other to help each other out" I said and she nodded.

Seeing the veteran players didn't scare me one bit. I just needed someone and I had it already. My eyes shifted to Blue House canopy. I could see his figure even from a distance.

The first sef of senior female runners ran and Blue House came 2nd erupting cheers from us. With this pace I was sure we were going to bag 2nd or 3rd or maybe 1st. I walked to the starting line and took my stance. I trained my eyes at the finish line while my ears perked up for the referee's command.

At the sound of go I sped off like a rocket. I didn't look sideways or backwards. The cheers of my house mates didn't reach me as only one statement rang in my head.

Don't come back if you don't emerge first.

I crossed the finish line smiling. I took first. Blue House went onto rampage and started yelling. I gave my race as the first gold. I quickly wrote my name and walked back to my house. They ran out and carried me and I couldn't help but laugh.

The feeling was really nice. When we got to the house, Phil was standing there with a light smile.

"How did I do?" I asked.

"Your starting speed was eye catching, it was quite a distance" Phil replied.

"Well done" he added as I grinned.

"You owe me a pack of Cheeseballs" I said and Phil laughed and I stared at him stunned.

"Yeah, I know. I didn't forget" Phil said.

I stood beside him and watched other events. I looked under the canopy and found Snr Promise seated, he wasn't talking or doing anything. I walked towards him and sat down beside him.

"Snr Promise" I called.

Promise turned to me and trained his eyes back at where I couldn't decipher.

"Congrats. That was quite a run" Promise said.

"Thank you* I replied as I stared at him.

What was wrong with him?

"Snr Promise are you okay?" I asked with a concerned look on my face.

"I'm fine" Promise replied.

"I'm not going to fall for that" I said pouting "Your face screams I'm not fine" I added.

"Don't you feel ashamed for trying to pry into your senior's life? It's okay to gossip but pokenosing into other's business is not allowed. Don't you get it?" Promise asked as everyone turned to me.

I felt tears rush to my eyes as I stood up "I thought we were friends. I went overboard. I apologise" I said and turned running until I slammed into a chest.






BEING A TEEN SERIES: THAT GUYWhere stories live. Discover now