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Fefe turned to see Dann looming over her. His usual expressionless face was now replaced by an amused one.

"I.... "

Dann didn't let her finish before his mouth claimed hers one more. Fefe went numb as she held onto Dann's top for support. Her knees went weak.

She let out a whimper as Dann broke the kiss "Still lousy?" Dann asked.

Fefe lifted her head to look at Dann. She hesitated before standing on her toes and kissing Dann. Dann stood frozen as Fefe bowed her head.

"Just wanted to confirm" Fefe murmured.

I nudged Chioma in the elbow dazed by the event unfolding right in front of my eyes.

"Chioma, what's going on?" I asked.

Chioma shook her head "I wish I knew" Chioma replied.

"I can't believe my eyes. Fefe took the inniative to kiss Snr Dann?" Chioma asked no one in particular before shaking her head again.

"That's impossible" Chioma answered herself.

"Chi, you are asking yourself questions and answering them yourself, that's crazy" I murmured.

"Its nothing compared to what's happening" Chioma said.

Fefe came back to her sense after listening to her friends conversation. Why on earth would she kiss Dann? She just wanted to be sure he liked sweets. She turned red in an instant as she remembered her words. She hid her face in her palm as she sprinted away.

Dann turned to I and Chioma "I get she's shy but why is she running away?" Dann asked as I and Chioma looked on dazed.

This was a side of Dann that prolly no one had seen before. He wasn't wearing that cold, icy or expressionless face. He looked like an harmless young school boy.

"If a guy kissed you would you run away too?" Dann asked as I turned red in an instant..

"Why... would I run away?" I stuttered.

"You had better don't" Dann said and walked away.

"Now what just happened?" Chioma asked.

"I don't have an idea" Chioma replied as I fought the urge to laugh.

"You are replying yourself again" I replied chuckling but damn!  The whole episode was crazy.


Putting aside the frenzy Dann and Fefe had thrown the school to. Another frenzied event was going on SSS2 block. The female population were enraged and they were yelling.

I almost threw up iopn hearing the cause of the new frenzy. The bitchy Funmi was asking Jasper to take her back. Even I couldn't help but be angry. Snr Ade had probably dumped her.

"I'm sorry. I'll learn to love you. Jasper I know you love me" Funmi said crying.

"I know I was wrong but stop treating me like this and forgive me already" Funmi continued.

"Don't punish me for my wrongdoings with embarrassment. You know I don't like it" Funmi added.

"I know you love me so much. Why are you treating me like this?" Funmi asked.

BEING A TEEN SERIES: THAT GUYWhere stories live. Discover now