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That's how someone recommended a 2 Season anime to me and I my DATA to download it. The anime was so boring that I had to delete it after Episode Three... The fuck.....

My data o.......

There's a picture of Toke put there.

I and Chioma were too stunned to say a thing. I glanced at the class and some of them were trying not to laugh.

"Snr Promise, since when have you been squatting there?" I asked slowly.

"Since the he's too cold part" Promise replied grinning.

I bit my lip as Promise stretched to his full length. We were in for it. That was obvious.

"You two are good gossips" Promise said with laughter in his eyes as he turned to Chioma.

"You like Semiloore? Whoa, he's such a lucky guy" Promise said as he strode back to his seat.

"I hate people whispering" Promise said as he resumed flipping his books.

I exchanged glances with Chioma who had buried her head in her palms. I glared at Fefe.

"Why couldn't you say he was there?" I asked with slight irritation.

"He asked me not to talk" Fefe replied.

"You could have given me a signal" I sneered as I turned back to my book.

I couldn't believe Promise heard everything we said. I wondered when he squatted there.

The prep came to an end at 10pm as we all walked to our hostels. I was already feeling dizzy so I didn't bother to engage the girls in a discussion.

"Toke, do you think Snr Promise would tell Snr Semiloorebi like him?" Chioma asked playing with her fingers.

My drowsy eyes glanced at her and I could see her nervousness. I chuckled slightly.

"Don't laugh nah" Chioma said eyeing me.

"He might and might not" Fefe replied.

"What do you mean?" Chioma asked.

"He might just yunno.... Playfully tell him and Snr Semiloore might not even take him serious" Fefe replied as I covered my mouth go stifle my yawn.

"What do you see in that guy by the way?" Fefe asked with an irritated face.

"Madam nobody is fine in your eyes, didn't you see the rankings last term?" I asked sluggishly. I could fall on the road right now and sleep off.

"He was ranked 16th on Senior block and 10th on SSS3 block so please" Fefe replied.

"Your memory needs repair" I replied covering my mouth to stifle my yawn again.

"Snr Semiloore ranked 5th on SSS3 block, 10th on Senior block and 17th in the whole school. The rankings you just said were SSS1 second term rankings" I added.

In B. I. C, the students competited in every thing. Sports, looks, money, IQ, relationships, pratically everything and so they started the ranking method. Every term, different rankings were pasted on the school forum. Rankings in looks, intelligence, money and all that.

"Really?" Fefe asked raising her eyebrow.

"Really guy" I replied.

"Either ways, Chioma is too good for him nah" Fefe said as I raised an eyebrow.

BEING A TEEN SERIES: THAT GUYWhere stories live. Discover now