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Dann sat down by the ice cream shop as he waited for Fefe. The school usually gave them one week before their exams to chill out. They were supposed to take a break and not to be tensed before their exams.

They all had agreed to meet at the mall. Fefe was insistent on getting shawarma and had told Dann to wait for her at the ice cream shop.

A shadow loomed over Dann and he instantly raised his head to see an unfamiliar girl smiling down at him. She was wearing black short skirt and a singlet.

"Hello" she greeted.

"Hello" Dann said politely.

"I'm Lola. Nice to meet you" the girl said as she stretched her hand for an handshake.

"Dann" Dann replied not taking her handshake leaving the girl awkwardly.

"Ohh, I didn't know you don't do handshakes" Lola said with a smile.

"I actually do but I don't just shake anyone" Dann deadpanned.

The smile on Lola's face froze but she wore a smile again.

"Its okay. You are quite cute" Lola said with a huge grin as she waved her phone.

"Do you mind giving me your number? Let's talk on whatsapp" Lola said and pushed her Samsung towards Dann.

"That's why you approached me?" Dann asked with a bewildered expression. Lola froze at Dann's expression.

"See ehn, if I were you, I'll leave right now" Dann said as Lola froze.

"Why?" She asked.

"My boyfriend is quite a feisty. She get easily jealous too. If she sees you standing here; it won't be the same for you. She might scratch your face" Dann replied as Lola took a step back.

Her ears were ringing with boyfriend that she didn't hear Dann mention she. She looked incredulously at Dann. Such an handsome guy was gay? She was stupefied.

"Babe, the sha...... " Fefe started and immediately frowned upon seeing Lola.

"Who are you?" Fefe asked as Lola turned to her. She immediately turned to Dann.

Dann nodded proudly "My boyfriend" He replied her inner question.

Lola looked at Fefe, she could clearly see that she was a girl yet she looked like a boy. She walked like one and acted like one. She was a real tomboy!

Her mind went to Dann's previous words. Wait! So she was the boyfriend! Lola grew red with embarrassed at her former thought.

"I asked you who you were?" Fefe said sitting down beside Dann.

"I'm Lola, I was just having a short talk with your boyfriend" Lola said.

"Stop lying. I saw your face. You were trying to hit on him. He's taken, get lost" Fefe replied wearing a frown.

Lola stood frozen at Fefe's words. She blinked her eyes rapidly before picking her phone and storming off.

"She smells like Oranges. Damn! I hate Oranges" Fefe said scruning up her nose.

Dann burst into laughter immediately "That's why you sent her away?" He asked.

"Hmmm" Fefe said as she turned to Dann.

BEING A TEEN SERIES: THAT GUYWhere stories live. Discover now