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I bought a pack of chewing gum as I headed straight for the garden. It was time to make up with Promise. A smile wore its way to my lips, Phil and I were official. Dann and Fefe were official too.

I didn't even realize that until Dann came to our class looking for his babe. The class had turned upside down. Fefe was not in class and Dann waited by the door; the moment Fefe appeared, he pulled her into an hug.

The whole school had exploded. Ice face got a girlfriend! It was one of the shocking news in BIC. The news even got pasted on the forum. Aside that, Dann started to smile and I had to admit he was extremely stunning when he smiled.

I mustered a smile as I saw Promise seating under a tree. He looked like a Professor who got asked a difficult question in class and he was thinking about it.

His eyes flashed surprise as I sat down beside him. I ignored the incredulous look in his face as I tore the pack of chewing open. I picked one and stretched it to him.

"Want one?" I asked. He looked at me without a word and took it from my palms.

I took one for myself and tore the nylon open and popped it in my mouth. I started chewing on it as I turned to Promise.

"You won't apologise?" I asked.

Promise wore a smile "I'm sorry, I was having a bad day" Promise replied as I nodded.

"Yeah a really bad day" I added as I smacked my gum.

"Now you wanna tell me what's eating you up?" I asked looking at him for a change of expression.

"I'm fine" Promise said as j chuckled.

"Nah, you are anything but fine. Have you taken a look at yourself in the mirror?" I asked.

"You look depressed and practically everyone in this school knows that you aren't in good shape. Stop lying to yourself" I replied as I smacked my gum again.

"I like her" Promise said as he bent his head.

I froze as I swallowed mg chewing gum. I almost gagged. Who was he talking about? Her? I quickly brought out another chewing gum and popped it inside my mouth.

"Wow. To think that there's an her; its nice. So have you told her?" I asked carefully.

"Six years that I've liked her but I watched her chase someone else" Promise replied and I felt the wheels in my head turning. A thought ran across my mind and I shook my head in disbelief.

It was impossible.

"Damn! That hurts" I said as I smacked my gum again.

"It really hurts" Promise added.

"That person you watched her chase; is your best friend right?" I asked and Promise raised his head to look at me.

"You've got it all figured out. So quick" Promise said,  emotionless.

"You like Meera" I said as I rapidly smacked my gum.

The world seemed to go upside down when Promise smiled and nodded.

"Phil is my best friend, the best I could ever wish for. He has always been there for me and all, I couldn't dare tell him I liked someone who liked him. That's betrayal" Promise said as I frowned.

"I could be her friend and watch her chase after Phil. I watched her get hurt over and over again and I did nothing. I'm pathetic right?" Promise asked sardonically.

I nodded bewildered "Yes. You are pathetic. How will you think telling your best friend that you like someone who likes him is betrayal? He didn't like her! He never did! He is your best friend Snr Promise" I said with emotion laced in my voice.

"I couldn't tell him okay!" Promise said throwing his hands up.

"What would he think of me? Besides it would be futile because Meera wouldn't stop chasing him" Promise said as I stood up angry.

"That's why you taught her how to chase Phil. You told her almost everything she knows about Phil. When they have an argument; its you she runs to right? How could you do this to yourself? To Phil? To Snr Meera?!" I asked exparated.

I shook my head "No, no,  no, no. This is one hellish bullshit!" I exclaimed.

"I thought you looked like a sexy professor with your glasses. Professors are always very smart and intelligent. Even their trains of thoughts are way above those of a normal human but Snr Promise..... This just showed me that you are....... "

"Promise" a voice softly called and I turned stunned at figure standing few meters from me.

"Hey babe, how long have you been standing there?" I asked slowly.

"Since, Phil is my best friend" Phil slowly replied as he walked past me and walked up to Promise.

Promise wore a shaky smile as he looked at Phil "Hey Phi..... " Phil didn't let him finish before punching him.

Promise staggered as he held the tree for support.

"That's for being such an idiot" Phil bellowed.

"How long were you going to hide this from me?" Phil asked.

"How freaking long?" Phil asked with emotion.

"How could you do this to yourself?!" Phil yelled as Promise hung his head low.

"You are stupid! You are an idiot!" Phil spat.

"Phil" Promise slowly called out "Let me explain" Promise said softly.

"If what you told Toke is what you are going to repeat then I don't want to hear it" Phil said as he stamped his foot on the ground.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Phil asked softly.

"Nothing would have changed" Promise replied.

"Says who? What makes you think so? A lot of things would have changed. Why would you even help someone you like chase another person? You are crazy" Phil bellowed.

"You hate me now, that's why I didn't want to tell you" Promise said as Phil froze.

Hate him? Why would he be?

Phil blinked at his best friend and frowned. How long had these kind of horrible thoughts been going through his head?

"I don't hate you Promise" Phil said shaking his head.

Promise raised his head shocked and surprised "Why are you angry then?" Promise asked.

"I'm angry for you since you can't get angry yourself" Phil replied slowly as I smiled.

"You should have told me at least. That's why I'm your best friend" Phil added slowly.

"I'm sorry" Promise said.

"What's going on?" A voice asked as we all turned. I swallowed my saliva as I watched Snr Meera. We hadn't said a word to each other since that day.

She even avoided me after I and Phil went official. She hung around Phil whenever I wasn't there and the moment she saw me, she was gone.

"Who does Promise like?" Meera asked slowly.





BEING A TEEN SERIES: THAT GUYWhere stories live. Discover now