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Blanket Kick by BTS.

Thanks for voting for me guys. Its really appreciated. If you haven't bought FOUR EYES, its on Okadabooks and you'll find the link on my message board. Its just two hundred naira, don't miss it.

I know you people are bigger than 200 naira abi? So just visit my message board like that and you'll find the link there. Thank you xoxo.

So a close friend of mine also started writing stories on wattpad. Her book JEMIMAH is a christian fiction story. Don't let the Christian there put you off oo, I love the book. You can visit her profile oluwayanmife_ to read it.

You'll definitely come back to to thank me... Lmao

There's a picture of what FOUR EYES is all about up there.


'What did you mean by your last sentence?" Chioma asked as we walked to the dormitory.

I shrugged my shoulders "Get boyfriends of course" I replied laughing as I glanced at my two best friends trying to see their reactions.

"I don't want a boyfriend if its not Snr Semiloore" Chioma said pouting.

"Snr Semiloore it is then" I replied with a smile before laughing at the scowl Fefe was wearing.

"Fefe you don't like any one?" I asked as she turned to me.

"Do you like anyone?" Fefe asked as I laughed.

"Nope" I replied unbuttoning my jacket.

"What do you mean by Snr Semiloore it is then?" Chioma asked puzzled.

"What does it sound like? I meant you guys are going to date" I replied ad Chioma hissed.

"Someone that walked passed with and didn't see me" Chioma murmured and I couldn't help but laugh again.

"Don't make jest of me nah" Chioma said sulking.

"Sorry" I said as I bounced on my bed. I gave Chioma a huge smile.

"Let's finish our tests first" I said with a smile and Chioma just brushed me off.

I peeled my uniform off my body as plopped on my bed and resumed reading. Resting my head on my pillow, I flipped my textbook pages open as I hummed the tune of Justin Bieber 'Yummy'.  The sound slowly drifted in the dormitory.

"Toke, I think Snr Promise likes you" Chioma said from the upper bunk leaving me startled as I peered at her.

"Why?" I asked removing the cover of my biro and scribbling on my jotter.

"He likes your voice!" Chioma replied excitedly.

My lips twitched as I laughed "Chi, there's a different between me and my voice. Besides its not like anyone can ignore my voice so what?" I said rather smugly, pride in my voice.

Fefe glanced at me and snorted "Ode" Fefe said and I stuck out my tongue to her.

Chioma came down from her bed and snuggled on mine. She hugged her legs to herself as she continued reading without talking.

The day stretched on and soon the weekend had passed by. It was Monday and tests was starting. Each class was quiet and the students could be seen walking around carrying textbooks, notebooks and all sorts.

My table was currently crowded with more than half of the class population. I was solving a few Physics questions in front of everyone and explaining it.

"So once you are given the center of gravity, the fomular you'll use is m, g, h is equal to m, c and the degree in bracket. The mass will cancel out each other. Do you guys grab?" I asked.

I was currently solving different questions on Heat Capacity, although looked hard; once you know the formulars, that was all.

A teacher strolled into the class wearing the stoic expression.

"Please lock your lockers and move your bags to the front, get ready for your test" the teacher said not frowning or smiling.

Everyone in the class had looks of surprise before they started talking among themselves.

"Why is Corper Matthew our invigilator?" Someone asked with a frown.

"He's going to give me a fright with that stoic expression" another said.

"Now I don't even dare turn my head backwards" one of the guys said unhappily.

"This dude na bad vibes" Chioma said in pidgin, her dexterity at speaking it obvious.

I didn't give any comment and quickly packed my table and locked my locker. My maths set was already on my table, my biro in my bag as I walked to the front of the class to drop my schoolbag.

Corper Matthew walked in again and this time around, he was holding an envelope. My other classmates started to hurriedly put their bags in front and get ready for the test.

I took a glance at Corper Matthew who still had the stoic expression on his face. He had joined Boston the beginning of this term and after two weeks or so, his fame has spread through the whole school. Many of his students said he never smiled, he always wore either an expressionless face or a frown that marred his physical features.

All the classes ge taught had admitted that he was an excellent teacher. He was patience in class whenever he was asked a question or maybe to re-explain. If one didn't see him when he taught, one would think he was a mute as he never spoken unnecessarily. Some of the teachers said sometimes in a day, he wouldn't say anything.

B. I. C certainly had a lot of weird people.

He seemed to have noticed someone's gaze on him as he turned to me. I gave him a fleeting smile while he looked at me with an indifference gaze and turned away.

I scoffed immediately "He truly lives up to his reputation" I snickered and Chioma burst into laughter.

At exactly 9am, tests started. Corper Matthew distributed the sheets to every one himself, not following the usual way of asking it to pass it to the back.

He straightened up as he glanced at the class. His gaze skimmed over us as we waited for him to speak.

"You" Corporate Matthew said pointing "If I were you, I'll keep that paper very well and not bring it out" he continued as he turned and pointed again "You too".

I opened my mouth dumbfounded. All he did was to share the sheets, how did he know? I shared a look of horror with Chioma and Fefe

"I hate people who give me problems, so if you are gonna give me problems, there's no need for you to write the test, you can just walk out" Corper Matthew said.

I almost hissed out loud. I wondered why teachers said those kind of stuffs, you'll hear stuffs like,  ' if you are here to make noise, kindly leave my class, if you know you are not ready for this lesson, leave my class ' and bla bla bla. As if even if you are going to make noise or not ready for the class, you dare to leave the class.

I pursed my lips as I muttered a short prayer. As I picked my biro I wanted to hum but seeing the stoic figure I stopped.

The silence in Boston at that moment could be compared to a desolated area. Only the sound of flipping pages and calculator sounds could be heard.


All those teachers will be like 'if you can't cooperate, leave my class' bla bla bla as if they born you well leave the class.

If you leave the class peren.... You go hear weeh...

So from now, I'll try to update at least twice a week. I'm annoyingly busy....

Have I told you guys happy new month?...... Lmao..... Happy new month.


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