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Blood, Sweat and Tears by BTS.

This song actually made me a BTS Fan.

So thank you all of you for buying my Four Eyes. Saranghe.

I just recovered so I'm talk so much even though am hyper active. Lmao.

Who else is excited to meet Phil?

Well I am.

There's a picture of him up there.


"Snr Meera" I called out as I waved my hands

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"Snr Meera" I called out as I waved my hands. Meera turned and gave me a smile as I ran towards her.

"Toke, how are you?" Meera asked.

"Fine, what about you?" I asked in reply.

"Fine too. What house are you in?" Meera asked.

"Blue House" I replied with a smile as she laughed.

"You guys are definitely not taking last this year" Meera said as I raised my chin proudly while she laughed again.

"Do me a favour and go and call Phillip for me. Practice is starting and he's not here yet" Meera said as my eyes widened slightly.

"Snr Phil?" I asked.

"Yes. Go quickly" Meera said as I turned and started walking back to the classroom block. I easily found Phil in his empty class reading.

"Senior, please can I come in?" I asked and he waved his hand for me to enter.

I walked briskly towards him, my footsteps light and stopped in front of his table.

"Snr Meera sent me to tell you to come to the field. Pratice is starting" I said and he raised his head to face me.

My breath hitched as I swallowed my saliva. It was the first time as I was seeing his face kinda close. His brows were perfectly shaped as if God took his time to draw them. His coffee brown eyes looked alluring and I felt my insides on fire. His lush pink lips were drawn in a thin, firm line.

He wasn't doing anything, yet he looked so hot and attractive. The moment he raised one of his eyebrows at me, I dropped my head and turned red.

"What house are you?" Phil asked.

I swallowed my saliva before speaking "Blue House"

"Seat down and wait for me" Phil said before returning to his book.

I nodded and sat down on one of the chairs facing him. I rested my chin on my hand as I watched Phil. The way his lean hands swirled his biro in his hands was very fansinating.

BEING A TEEN SERIES: THAT GUYWhere stories live. Discover now