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"Girl shut up already" Dann snapped at Fefe.

"What do you mean? Your house took last and you were one of the main causes" Fefe replied.

We were currently around the Prefects table with Meera. She was better like she said but we still wanted to check up on her. Fefe was anxious to see her so we came right after the competition.

The dinning was noisy unusually but the Prefects made no attempt to stop the noise. It was a fun filled and is going to be a fun filled day so they freed everyone.

Dann and Fefe were bickering as usual. Even some of the Prefects had laughed at their exchange.

Dann glared at her and hissed "As if we are not in the same house. Me? The cause? Did I tell the runners not to run well? Did I tell the marchers not to march well? Come to think of it, you were a marcher last year. You didn't do anything for Yellow House, I didn't too. What right do you have to criticize me for a crime you are also guilty of?" Dann asked.

Fefe looked tongue tied at the question as she didn't reply.

"I really wonder what goes on in that brain of yours" Dann added as he eyed her. He didn't know want made him want to always reply to the girl's antics.

It was clearly childish yet he couldn't hold himself back and she? She always seemed to have her mouth running each time she saw him.

"Even though, if you had stepped up we would have never carried last. Toke and Chi will make jest of me till I cry" Fefe continued mumbling.

Dann felt his ears itching as he turned to glare at Fefe.

"Shut up nah, Yellow House took last then? Is it on your school record? Which Yellow House student did you see fumbling about it?" Dann asked.

"Besides, you didn't prepare. What were you expecting? First?" David asked snickering.

"Besides we are in the dinning, I don't want to throw up listening to you. So do yourself some favour and save some spit and I, my food" Dann added.

"Yen yen yen, we took last, its a shame to you. We didn't prepare and its all your fault. All you did was to laze around and look at the sky. I wonder why they..... " Fefe continued rambling.

Dann felt his ears go extra itchy as he bit his lower lip. He stood up and grabbed the blabbering girl whose face was scrunched up and crashed his lips on hers.

Semiloore: (singing)  Wait! Then I put my lips on you.....

Fefe froze and stared wide eyed at Dann. The whole dinning went silent and if a pin dropped; everyone would hear it.

Dann broke from the kiss and growled at Fefe "I told you to shut the fuck up" he said.

My jaw was dropped as I stared at the scene. My brain refused to register anything as I blinked rapidly.

Snr Dann kissed Fefe?

Fefe turned red and my eyes widened at the sight.

I lived long enough to see Fefe turn red?

I wiped my eyes and stared again. I wasn't imagining, it was real. Fefe broke out of her reverie and burst into a race outside the dining hall.

Dann sighed as he strolled outside the dining hall without a change in his expression. He looked at the back of the girl who was running like duck.

He burst into laughter suddenly. She was still a girl after all. He used his fingers to brush his lips, want to earth that made him kiss her, he didn't know.

He sighed as he turned around and slipped his hands into pockets before trailing after her slowly.

It didn't take time for the rumours to spread around the whole school.

Snr Dann kissed Fefe.

Everyone was talking about it. I and Chioma couldn't find Fefe anywhere.

"This is crazy" Chioma said laughing.

"I know right" I said rewinding to the earlier scene.

"They looked like a gay couple I mean a cute one" Chioma said giggling.

"Fefe is a girl alright" I said laughing hard.

"Let's go and check the back of the garden" Chioma said.

Fefe hugged her legs closer to herself. Her heart wouldn't stop pounding. Her breathing was laboured as the same scene kept replaying in her head.

Dann kissed her.

What was wrong with the sentence?  Nothing except the action.

How dare him?

Fefe brought her hands slowly to her lips. The taste still on her tongue. She wondered if he liked licking sweets because the taste on her mouth was totally M&M sweets.

She let her hands linger on her lips as her heart started beating faster. Fefe slammed her head blushing.

"You stupid heart, calm down! I'm not even as agitated as you" Fefe bellowed as pursed her lips. She was sure the news would have gone round by then.

"Damn you Daniel!" Fefe cursed.

He even stole her first kiss. Hell! She had been reserving it  for...

For who abeg?  Her subconscious asked.

Fefe swallowed her saliva as she hissed. For no one. No guy ever liked her; most didn't even take her as a girl due to her boyish looks and attitudes. She had tried to hide the fact that she was disturbed by it.

She wanted someone to like her. Maybe a crush. She never received letters like Chioma did or the side glances Toke received. Both of them didn't know she felt immensely inferior to them.

Both were stunning beauties while she was just there. Fefe laughed at herself as she stretched to her full length. Dann had kissed her, it couldn't be reversed.

Fefe ran into Toke and Chioma the moment she came out of back garden.

"Fefe!" I called out as I ran towards her.

"Are you okay?" Chioma asked.

"He kissed me, he didn't slap me" Fefe replied nonchalantly.

Chioma grinned widely "I see" Chioma said.

"Stop smiling, it's not funny" Fefe said sternly.

"Tell me, how was the kiss?" Chioma asked as I burst into laughter but I wanted to know too.

Fefe hissed "For the record, he's a lousy kisser" Fefe said.

"Really? Do you want to try again?" A voice asked.







BEING A TEEN SERIES: THAT GUYWhere stories live. Discover now