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I crossed my legs on the grass as Phil lied beside me. He stared at the sky as a familiar image flashed in his eyes. He sighed again.

It had been a while since he saw those flashes. He wondered why he was having them again.

I noticed Snr Phil sigh again and I bit my lower lip as I debated whether to ask my question or not.

"You want to say something?" Phil asked as I turned to him.

I slowly nodded. By now I knew I was already an important part of Phil's life. If not a crucial part and for me; he had always been a crucial and important part of my life. We had something; there was no doubt about it but still.....

"Snr Phil, can I ask something?" I asked slowly.

"I'm listening" Phil replied.

I debated internally whether to ask my question or not. I gathered all my courage and started talking.

"Snr Phil,...... Who am I to you?" I asked as I sucked in a breath.

Phil didn't reply as he stared upwards. I felt tears sting at my eyes at his silence.

"Should I tell you a story?" Phil suddenly asked.

"When I was little, I had an accident. Because of this accident; I forgot a lot of things and some people. But since then, I used to have this particular dream and sometimes flashes of it. A girl. I played with her a lot and talked a lot. She used to call me her Superman" Phil said and laughed.

"From the dreams and flashes; it was obvious we both liked each other and I annoyingly doted on her. I was 8 and she was probably a year younger. I even promised to marry her" Phil said as he sat up.

"But then, in my dreams and in these flashes; I never saw her face clearly. It was always blurry. I tried each time to identify her but each time was a failure" Phil said as he took my hands.

"Toke, I won't lie to you. I like you; you and I know that. You are an important part of my life. You are one person I don't want to ever lose. But the small girl that time, if she shows up what should I do?" Phil asked.

"Its only right I should be honest with you because you have always been honest with me. That's why I told you this story" Phil said as tears ran down my cheeks.

I spoke to my feet and pulled my hands away from Phil's as I stood up. Phil hastily stood up after me.

"Snr Phil, let me ask one more question" I said shakily.

"That small girl, do you still love her even if you can't see her face nor do you know her?" I asked scared of his answer.

His silence told me the answer as I turned and started walking away. Tears gushed down my cheeks and it also clouded my vision.

He didn't forget after all.

Phil stood as he watched Toke walk away. Her body shaked as she walked. Phil felt his heart tighten as he watched her. Different versions of her face flashed through his eyes, her pout, her eyes, her nose, her laughing, her smiling and Phil closed his eyes as a familar image flashed through his eyes.

His eyes snapped open and he took a look at the girl walking slowly away from him. His heart started beating faster and faster.

"Cinmisola!" He yelled.

I stopped in my tracks as I heard the name. Not the name actually, the person who had called me. I turned slowly to face Phil. My heart was beating a thousand times faster as I watched him take large strides towards me.

He grabbed me and crashed his lips on mine. I opened my mouth in shock and I found someone else's tongue in my mouth.

"You close your eyes when someone kisses you" Phil whispered as I closed my eyes.

He remembered.

I wrapped my hands around his waist and kissed him back fervently. My knees turned to jelly and I held him tighter for support. He tasted nothing like sweets nor did he smell like sweets.

He tasted like watermelons; juicy and tasty. He had always loved watermelons. He could eat a whole watermelon alone, he never shared his portion too.

Phil slowly broke the kiss as he stared at me.

"Snr Phil..... "

"Call me Phil" Phil replied slowly.

"Phil, took you so long to remember" I said as tears slid down my cheeks again.

Phil pulled me into an hug as I felt a part of my house wear wet.

"I tried so hard to remember but it just wouldn't get clear. I'm so sorry" Phil said and I hugged him tighter.

"I thought you forgot me" I replied.

"I never did" Phil whispered as he drew circles on my back.

"Your imaginative skills have gotten better" Phil said as he burst into laughter.

I pinched him immediately "Don't you dare make jest of me!" I bellowed happily.

"It was meant to be a compliment you took it the wrong way chica" Phil drawled lazily as I squirmed at the new found nickname.

"Chica?" I asked pouting.

"I know you like it" Phil replied grinning.

"You still like Imperial leather" I said as Phil smiled.

"You said you liked the way I smelled. I smelled like Imperial Leather so I couldn't stop using it" Phil said and I laughed.

"If I didn't remember, how long were you going to hide it from me?" Phil asked as I dropped my head.

I didn't really know. Maybe I was going to ignore it and pretend like those memories never existed or maybe..... I didn't know.

"I don't know" I replied quietly.

"You are the jerk here Chica" Phil said as he pulled me to himself.

"You forgive me?" I asked resting my head on his chest.

"I'm sorry for forgetting you. Its not your fault" Phil replied resting his chin on my head.

"Hey Phillip" I said with a smile.

"Huh?" Phil asked.

I bit my lip nervously "I love you" I said quietly.

"I know" Phil said with a laugh.

"I love you too" he added as I closed my eyes.






BEING A TEEN SERIES: THAT GUYWhere stories live. Discover now