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Anime lovers in the house, please give a shoutout, if you've watched "OVERLORDS" please share my excitement. Its am old anime but its very cool. If you have any stereotypes for anime's, please do clear it and watch "DEMON SLAYER". Its one hell of an anime.

There's a picture of Promise up there.


I didn't have much appetite for dinner, so I barely ate my rice before I poured the rest into Chioma's plate. She was so happy that she kept praising and praying for me.

Chioma and food.

The class was very noisy and disarranged. Everybody seemed to find something to say. Although the noise was deafening, I was barely bothered by it, after being classmates with this people for five years, my ear drums had adjusted to their loud voices.

Although some were just for a year. Some left when we reached senior school to Art or Commercial while Science students from other classes joined.

"Who will be our PP bayi?" Kunle asked with mockery.

"What if they bring a girl?" Someone asked.

"If she's pretty, we'll chase her away nicely" Kunle said as the class roared with laughter.

Nobody seemed to notice the fact that three figures were leaning by the door post. One had a very amused expression, one had a very cold expression while the other wore an expressionless face.

Since we had no PP to control us and other PPs avoided us like plague. Well you could say my class was a well known terror, forget the fact we were the best academically.

Kunle's best friend, Dami started cracking jokes as the class kept roaring with laughter. I laughed my ass out too.

Dami was naturally a very funny guy. Although he fell in first fifteen each term, he couldn't shake off the embarrassement of not being able to play football.

No one dared to tease him with it except his crew. Anyone who did was made a scapegoat.

Dami cracked a joke and everyone burst into laughter again. The laughter had died down but someone was still laughing. The class became silent the moment we all saw the three figures at the door.

Everyone had a shocked and scared expression on their faces. My eyed widened until they could almost pop out of their sockets seeing the three figures.

What the fuck is Snr Promise, Snr Daniel and Snr Phillip doing here?!

How long have they been standing there?!

Snr Phillip!

We were so dead.

Everyone watched as Snr Promise continued laughing. He held his stomach and laughed heartily. Promise didn't care that his juniors were staring at him right now. The joke was just too funny.

I chewed on my bottom lip staring at this trio. Snr Promise was the most jovial of the trio standing in front of the class. Although they were best friends, they had different personalities.

Promise glasses always made him look like some hot American professor. He smiled alot and was very friendly. He had a younger sister in SS1 who was rather pretty and gentle.

BEING A TEEN SERIES: THAT GUYWhere stories live. Discover now