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Campus Crush is now published on Goodnovels. Its the second Nigerian and First Romance Nigerian book to be a paid story.

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Chioma stood there frozen for a moment before a soft chuckle escaped her lips. Chioma pursed her lips as she turned and watched his retreating back.

"Who are you looking at?" Fefe asked as we walked inside to pack another round of plates.

"Snr Semiloore" Chioma replied as my eyes widened.

"He walked up to you?" I asked as Chioma shook her head.

"He walked past me" Chioma said.

I couldn't control myself as I burst into laughter. Fefe and Chioma looked at me with unpleasant expressions on their faces.

"Stop laughing" Chioma snapped.

"Sorry" I muttered since laughing quietly.

"He was actually looking at me" Chioma said grumbling.

"You guys should speed up nah, weve missed first period already, we can't afford to miss second period" Sade said approaching us.

Fefe didn't reply as she carried a pile of plate outside the dinning hall.

"I can't believe I have to pack those stinking SS1 students plates" someone grumbled.

We missed half of second period in the end. Classes were unusually boring that day and time flew by fast. The period before we went for lunch was free so the class was very noisy.

"Guys!" Sade said slamming her table.

"We have eardrums, please don't break them" a girl snapped as the class roared with laughter.

"Whatever" Sade said as she hissed. Having the whole class attention, she continued to speak.

"I discovered that the way we packed the plates this morning was a bit disorganized and some people didn't really pack plates, some packed a lot while some packed average, to prevent that; I and Joba just went to the Senior Dinning Hall and counted the table there" Sade said as she sat down on her locker.

"We have a total of 236 tables on the senior dinning hall and we have 40 students in this classroom" Joba added twirling the biro in the middle of his fingers.

"So we are going to be allocating tables to everyone, 5 tables per one person" Sade said as she brought out a list and pasted it on the class notice board.

Everyone rushed to it to check where they were allocated. Fefe, Chioma and I were assigned to SSS1 tables. I snickered seeing it.

"So once you have finished clearing the tables you were assigned, you don't need to wait for anyone, you can come straight to attend class" Sade said.

"That's better" someone said.

There werr many reasons why Sade had been class rep since SS1 first term, some classes changed class reps every term but Sade and Joba never got changed. Both had leadership qualities, Joba surpassing the other on that aspect but Sade was extremely smart and knew what to do in most occasions.

BEING A TEEN SERIES: THAT GUYWhere stories live. Discover now