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Seesaw by BTS!

Yeah, this is an announcement for all writers and readers in the house. For readers to tell their favourite writers and for writers to check out.

Check out project Nigerian Wattpad Writers Series on TheNigerianSociety profile. Don't forget to.

Next announcement, something happened but I might have to pour myself into writing. Sewa said its an escape, Lmao.

So lucky you guys, updates might be frequency this days.

So yes, there's a shock awaiting you in this chapter.



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I suddenly felt someone shaking me and I turned to find one of the SSS2 girls wearing a funny expression.

"What is it?" I asked.

She burst into laughter and then I decided to take a look at my surroundings. Everyone had blank or funny looks on their faces as they stared at me.

I looked around and found myself at the starting line. The other runners had ran and were already walking back towards us.

I didn't run at all.

My eyes widened as everyone burst into laughter. My palms became sweaty as I tried to give a small smile.

"What were you doing?" The girl who had shaken me asked as I gave her a small smile.

"So the talent you should have had for sports, you replaced with a talent of imagination" Masoma said as everyone croaked into laughter again.

"Its not like you have any talents at all" I blurted out and everyone stopped laughing. My hands flew to my mouth as I gave an horrified expression.

Suddenly Promise burst into laughter. Other SSS3 students in Blue House also laughed as everyone looked puzzled.

"What did you say?" Masoma asked.

I winced immediately "Snr Masoma, I'm sorry, it was a mistake" I replied.

"Get on your knees" Masoma bellowed. I quickly knelt down while pursing my lips.

"Do you know what you just did?" Masoma asked her eyes blazing with fire.

I slapped myself mentally over and over again. I had finally been influenced by Fefe and her sharp mouth.  I had unconsciously blurted a statement that was meant for my mind only.

"You just talked back to me. Your senior and a badged Prefect! How dare you?" Masoma asked as other houses had started to look over too.

"I'm sorry" I said slowly.

BEING A TEEN SERIES: THAT GUYWhere stories live. Discover now