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Meera was stunned by the time Phil finished talking. Her brain and her body seemed to stop working at the same time. She couldn't think or wrap her head around the situation.

Phil grabbed my hands as he turned to Promise "I'll wait for you" He said before dragging me away.

"It would take a while for that to digest into Snr Meera's system" I muttered.

"No, I won't" Phil said.

Meera took sharp breaths as she stared at the handsome looking boy in front of her. He was practically her confidant. She told him everything and he knew almost everything about her but then.....

He liked her?

Meera swallowed her saliva as she continued to stare at him. He wasn't saying anything and was looking downwards.

"How long?" Meera asked.

Promise slowly raised his head as he looked sideways "Fhe first day I saw you, 17th September, 2014" Promise replied as Meera's eyes widened.

Promise blinked his eyes conspicuously, his glasses preventing the other party from seeing the tears brimming at his eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Meera asked.

"What would it change? You won't stop liking Phil" Promise replied.

"Why did you help! Were you making fun of me?" Meera bellowed.

Promise looked stunned but didn't reply as Meera continued talking.

"Why did you help me? Was it out of goodwill? How dare you?" Meera asked.

"What was I supposed to do when the person I liked walked up to me and told me she liked my best friend?" Promise asked as Meera looks on stunned as well.

"I wanted you to be happy so I helped you" Promise added.

"What if Phil fell in love with me? What would you do?" Meera asked.

"As long as you were happy, it was enough for me. That's all" Promise replied.

Meera laughed slightly "You knew I never had a chance with Phil right?" She asked.

"No. I did not know" Promise said.

"If I knew; I wouldn't have helped knowing it was useless" Promise said.

"You are a pathetic fool" Meera said frowning.

"Couldn't you think of yourself at all?" Meera asked.

Promise didn't reply as he blinked his tears away. Even now that she knew, nothing was going to change. He was right nothing was going to change.

"Promise" Meera called softly.

"Hmmmm" Promise replied.

"Will you give me time?" Meera asked as Promise looked at her puzzled.

"Time to properly digest this. Time to learn to love you, time to accept you. Will you give me time to learn to love you?" Meera asked.

Promise's eyes bulged out of their sockets. He couldn't believe his ears. He staggered and quickly leaned on the tree for support.

"Meera, I'm okay. You don't have..... " Promise started as Meera cut him off and walked up to him. She took one of his hands and stared into his eyes.

BEING A TEEN SERIES: THAT GUYWhere stories live. Discover now