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Beyonce POV

"Here are the files you asked for Mrs Carter," my assistant, Amy said as she came into my office and handed me the case files.

"Thank you Amy," I said warmly as I took the files from her. "A lawyer's work is never done," I said as I opened the files and leaned back on my chair.

"Mr Carter is on the other line," Amy said as she walked out of my office.

"Thank you," I said then I picked up the telephone. "Hello," I said.

"Wazz good ma?" Shawn said on the other line.

I busted out laughing. "Hey baby. Why did you call?"

I heard him sucking his teeth.

"Can't a husband call his lovely wife?"

"Knowing you, Shawn Corey Carter. You called because you want something. What is it?"

I heard him sigh.

"Okay you got me. I want to ask you for something."

"Spill it Mr Carter."

"I'm gonna be working late so can you please pick up Keegan from basketball practice? Can you do that for me ma?"

"Okay honey. I'll pick him up since I'm already on my way out of here."

"Thank you baby. I'll be home by eleven. I love you, bye."

"I love you too," I said then I hung up.

Looks like I'm going home now. Seeing that I don't have anything going on in this office, I might as well go pick up my baby from school.

I gathered all my things and I was off. After about twenty minutes, I finally made it to Keegan's high school. I didn't wait that long because I immediately spotted Keegan walking towards the car with his bags and training clothes on.

"Hey mama," Keegan said  getting inside where he sat on the passengers seat.

"Hey baby, how was-...mmm. That ain't right," I scrunched up my face as a musty odour hit my nostrils. "What is wrong with you boy? Were you rubbing rotten onions all over yourself? Damn," I said opening my side of the window in the car.

Keegan raised his arm and took a whiff under his armpit. "I may be fourteen but I stink like a man," he said smirking. "Its my manly musk, the ladies love it."

I rolled my eyes. "First of all, no lady in her right mind loves that funky smell of yours. Also, when we get home you're taking a shower. Imma give you my body wash to use," I said.

Keegan's eyes widened. "Your body wash? Mom, your body wash has all of those girly perfumes. I don't wanna use your body wash," he whined.

"Stop with all of this whining about my body wash being girly. At least its gonna help you get in touch with your feminine side," I said and I saw him rolling his eyes and he started mumbling something under his breath. "Roll your eyes at me one more time and imma go ape shit on your ass," I spat as I glared at him.

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