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Beyonce POV

"Wake up," I heard a voice echoing in the distance. "Wake up you bitch!" The voice suddenly became loud and that scared me.

My eyes slowly opened and I tried acquainting myself with my surroundings. I was in this gloomy room, it looked exactly like a jail cell. It had a single bed with the toilet in the room. There were blankets on the bed and I turned and saw Keegan lying unconscious on the floor.

"Wake up fatty," I heard the same raucous voice. I saw that it was Ben who was talking. I tried sitting up. "Slow your row," he pushed me down.

I felt my hands being pinned above my head then Ben had one of his knees on my thigh.

"Ugh, you're hurting me Ben," I winced in pain as I squirmed.

He smiled sinisterly as he inched his face closer to me. "I'm just following orders. If I could, I would just have you all to myself," he said and he buried his face in the crook of my neck then he started sucking and licking my neck.

"Stop it, you're starting to hurt my baby," I winced more. The more he got closer to me the more he was pressing on my belly. I bit my bottom lip as tears started streaming down my cheeks.

"Enough Ben!" I heard and Ben immediately got off me and whoever was pinning my hands stopped. "The hell wrong with you two! She's a helpless pregnant woman and you're doing this to her?! You should be ashamed of yourselves!" J Cole spat as he opened the cell door and got in.

I sat up and rubbed my belly. I watched as they started talking with each other. "Mom, where are we?" I heard a tiny voice. Keegan then came and sat next to me.

"I'm so glad you're okay my baby boy," I brought him into a hug. "Don't worry baby, we're gonna be okay," I cupped his face.

His eyes became watery. "I'm scared mom," he said.

I kissed his forehead. "Don't be scared baby. I'm here with you," I said.

I honesty don't know what's gonna happen to us. I just have to keep my cool so that my son will not panic.

"Time for dinner you two," Matthew said as he walked in the cell with two plates and two bottles of water. He knelt down to our height. "I can be considerate. I'm providing you with food. Here," he said handing us the plates of food and the bottles of water.

"Grandpa, why are we-"

"Beyonce, shut this pest of yours up before I lose my temper and kill you guys on the spot," Matthew nonchalantly said looking at me.

I looked at Keegan and my baby looked petrified.

"Boss, the food you gave the pregnant lady isn't enough. She is eating for two thus it has to be more," J Cole said.

Matthew got up and went to J Cole where he pulled him closer by his collar. "Do I pay you to have a conscious? No. Now fuck off," he snarled then he let him go. "If y'all give her extra food, be prepared to die," he addressed everyone.

They all left and left Keegan and I alone in the cell.

I looked at my food, I'm afraid J Cole was right about it not being enough for me. Its enough for Keegan but not for me.

"Mama, you can have my food," Keegan said shifting his plate towards me.

I shifted it back to him. "No, have your food. I'll be fine," I said smiling weakly.

"Mama, you need it more-"

"Keegan please," I said lowly. "Have your food."

He took his plate and started eating. As expected, I finished my food first. When Keegan was done with his food, he took the blankets and cuddled close to me. My stomach started growling.

"Damn," I said under my breath as I rubbed my belly.

Why Matthew gotta be so cold? All these years he hated my guts? Why? Its not like I asked to be born.

My thoughts were interrupted by the opening of the cell. I cringed a bit as I held Keegan tight.

"Don't be scared okay," J Cole said entering the cell. He slowly walked towards us. Gosh, I pray that he don't do something that'll hurt my children.

"Please don't hurt my mom," Keegan said.

"I won't," he whispered. He got down to our level and he unzipped his hoodie revealing the huge lunch box he kept hidden together with two bottles of water. He opened the lunch box revealing numerous sandwiches inside. "I snuck in the kitchen and made you some sandwiches," he said placing some on my plate. He then went to the single bed and placed the lunch box under it. "If you want more, you can take them here."

I watched as he handed us the bottles.

Why is he risking his life by helping us?

"Thank you," I said lowly.

"No problem," he smiled at us and he walked out. He locked the cell and sat outside. I'm guessing its his turn to guard outside.

J Cole POV

I'm guessing y'all are wondering why I'm helping them. Its simple, I'm the SIREN agent that is a mole in Matthew's operations.

I know Beyonce but she doesn't know me because I used to be Shawn's silent partner back in the day. Now I have two missions: to get Matthew behind bars and to keep Beyonce and Keegan alive.

I successfully sent SIREN the location of this remote place and they are on their way but we have to be careful because all of Matthew's men are in this place and they are very dangerous.

Now, I have to wait for the green light to bust Beyonce and Keegan out of here.

I know for sure that for the next four hours, I'm not gonna worry about Matthew and his men because I distracted them by bringing in strippers.

Some men are just easily distracted. Get a woman to show her titties and they get into a trance.

I sat on my chair as I watched Beyonce and Keegan. Beyonce slept on the floor while Keegan was on the bed. Beyonce kept tossing and turning, I don't blame her. I would if I was in her position. Knowing that someone close to me wants to murder me and my children. That's a bitter pill to swallow.

How does Matthew sleep at night? Doesn't his conscious keep him up at night?

I heard my phone pinging and I immediately took it out from my pocket.

Shawn: we're here. Get my children and wife out

Me: okay

I immediately shoved my phone back into my pocket. I unlocked the cell and got inside.

"Wake up. We gotta go," I said shaking Beyonce and Keegan. Beyonce immediately sat up as her chest heaved up and down. "Calm down okay. I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm here to help," I said but she didn't look convinced.

I took out my hoodie and my shirt, revealing the bulletproof vest I wore underneath. I placed the vest on the floor and wore my clothes.

"What's that?" Keegan said.

"Its a bulletproof vest. The sad part is I only have this one," I said.

"How can we trust you? How do we know that you aren't here to kill us?" Beyonce spat.

I took out my phone and showed her my text messages between Shawn and I. "I've been talking to Shawn this entire time. I'm a SIREN agent," I said. She glared at me for a moment then she took the vest and handed it to Keegan. "Why don't you wear it because-"

"My son comes first," she said helping Keegan strap it on.

"Let's go then," I said helping her up.

"Ugh," she groaned in pain as she had one hand on the bottom of her belly while the other squeezed my arm.

"What's wrong? Your water broke?" I asked.

She shook her head. "Ben really hurt me," she said.

I looked at her neck and it was starting to turn purple. The fuck was Ben doing to her? Imma shoot the nigga in the nuts for mistreating a woman.

We carefully snuck out.

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