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2 months later...

Keegan POV

"ITS THE FUCKING LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!" I cheered as I made it to my locker.

"I see you're happy," Chloe said as she came and stood in front of me.

I scratched the back of my head. "Yah, I'm happy about summer vacation that's all," I chuckled. "Umm, what are you gonna be up to this summer?"

She came closer to me and smiled. "Why you wanna know?"

I licked my lips as I inched my face closer to hers. "I was thinking maybe we can go watch a movie, or maybe hang out and-...whatever floats your boat and umm, well-"

She cut me mid sentence by smashing her lips onto mine. I closed my eyes as she passionately kissed me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I brought her closer by her waist.

She broke the kiss and I bit my bottom lip as I stared at her. "I'd love to hang out with you Kee," she said smiling.


"Yep, I called you 'Kee'. Don't you like the name?" She asked.

"No, I love the name. Why did you kiss me?"

She chuckled. "You were rambling so I had to shut you up and-...I like you. I like you a lot and I was taking my chances by kissing you."

I smiled and I pecked her lips. "Well I'm glad you took the chance girl. I'll call you later then," I said and she unwrapped her arms off my neck and I let her go.

"You better call me Kee," she smiled and she walked away.

Whoo! Looks like I have a shot with her.

"You wanna smash tough guy?" I heard Aaron.

I turned and gave him an appalled expression. "Fuck you! I don't wanna do that," I spat. "Chloe is special. Also, I will never treat no woman like that ever."

He rolled his eyes. "My bad. Anyways, your mom sent me and-"

"Mamma mia!" I said as I frantically packed everything and made sure that I cleared everything in my locker.

Since mom is now seven months pregnant, her hormones are all over the place. One minute she's happy next, she's threatening to smack the black out of you. She's just unpredictable so you gotta be careful what you say and do around her.

I ran out the the school building and I rushed outside. I immediately spotted mom's car.

"Hey ma. Sorry I'm late I was-...You feeling okay mom?" I asked entering the front seat where I found my mom with her head laid back on her seat. Her eyes were closed as she rubbed her belly.

"I'm fine baby," she said lowly. "Your baby sister is just kicking me and it kinda hurts," she took a couple of breaths then she opened her eyes. "How was school?"

I chuckled as I buckled my seatbelt. "I expected it to be boring but it was surprisingly awesome," I said. Mom squinted her eyes as she inched her face closer to me. She then lifted my face and examined my face. "Please don't kiss me," I said.

She sucked her teeth. "I'm not gonna kiss you. Relax," she said. "Are those glitters on your lips?"

Dang it! I forgot to remove Chloe's lip gloss from my lips after we kissed.

"Are you gay? What's with the glitters?"

"Mama, I ain't gay," I said wiping my lips.

"Oh, who's the girl you were kissing and don't lie to me," she said.

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