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Beyonce POV

I was woken up by the ringing of my phone. I groaned as I grabbed it from the nightstand.

"Hello," I drowsily said as I picked up the phone.

"Awe, did I wake you up baby girl? I'm sorry, I thought you were already up." Dad said on the other line.

I sat up on the bed and rubbed the sleep off my eyes. "Don't worry dad," I said.

"I was calling to ask if you, Keegan and Sheen could come over to one of my mansions here in New York. Your mother is making lunch so I'd love it if you come. I just wanna make amends with Sheen."

"We'll be there dad. Also his name is 'Shawn' not 'Sheen' dad."

He chuckled on the other line.

"Sorry baby girl. I meant to say 'Shawn'. I apologize on that part. Also, I'll text you the coordinates because its a new mansion and y'all be there at 3:00 p.m. okay?"

"Okay dad. Love you."

"See you then. Love you too baby girl," he said and he hung up.

"Damn," I said as I rubbed my temples and the events that transpired last night clouded my mind.

I honesty don't know why Shawn hates my dad so much. What he said last night really hurt me because he knows how much I idolize my dad.

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up so I can start my day. I walked downstairs to find the shock of my life. Keegan was doing the dishes.

"How much you want?" I said as I walked in the kitchen.

"Good morning to you too Mrs Carter," he said and he blew bubbles my way. "To clarify, I ain't doing the dishes because I want to. I'm doing the dishes because dad told me to. He was using his command voice," he said still doing the dishes.

"Command voice?"

He turned and looked at me. "Its this voice he uses which makes him sound like Lucifer," he said. "Mama, your husband needs to go to an exorcist."

I chuckled. "Where's your father anyways?"

As much as Shawn pissed me off last night, I'm still concerned about him. He is my husband and I love him.

"He went out for a jog," he said.

My eyes almost popped out of my eye sockets. "A jog?"

Keegan finished doing the dishes then he dried his hands. "Do you want me to make you your champagne tea mom?"

"Champagne tea?"

He raised his hands up in defeat. "I read that pregnant women drink a lot of odd stuff and champagne tea is one of them."

"Its known as 'camomile tea' baby," I corrected him. "What's with the males of this family? They like mispronouncing names," I whispered as I went to make myself some of the camomile tea.

Moments later I heard the front door opening then in came Shawn. From the way he was sweating, we was really jogging.

"Umm, dad. I'm done with the dishes," Keegan said.

"Great job son. Now can you please excuse us. I wanna talk to your mom," he said to Keegan.

If he wants to talk about last night, he better be apologizing. He knows that my dad means a lot to me. I may be in my thirties but I'll forever be a daddy's girl together with Solange. We are really close to our father.

Shawn came to me and he pulled me closer to him then he intertwined our fingers. "I'm sorry about last night. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings," he said and I had my head turned to the side so I wouldn't look at him. "Baby, please look at me," he said and he kissed my cheek.

I turned and we locked eyes. "Why would you say all those hurtful stuff? My father wouldn't hurt a fly, he's a saint," I said.

"I'm sorry baby. Things just got out of hand and I blew a fuse."

"Did you always have these feelings towards my dad?"

He sighed. "Yes but baby I tolerate your dad for your sake. I know how much you love him and I'll do anything to make you happy."

"Even lying?"

He sharply sighed. "You are always preaching about honesty and now that I'm being honest with you, you don't like it. I don't wanna lie to you. You know that I always keep it one hundred with you ma," he said and he pecked my lips.

I looked at him for a moment then I laid my head on his chest with our fingers still intertwined.

'Honesty' is such a weird word. Who thought of it anyways? People tell you what you want to hear to make you happy. Spare me the fake love and be honest with me even if the truth will tear me apart.

I want the truth and I want it now. I wanna know where I stand.

With my head on his chest I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. I relaxed and tuned out every sound. All I could hear now is the steady beating of his heart which was music to my ears.

I have to know. Is he cheating?

"Is there something going on between you and Becky that I don't know of?" I said loud enough for him to hear.

His heart started pounding really fast and his palms became sweaty all of a sudden. I bit my bottom lip as I desperately fought back the tears.

That's the only confirmation I needed. Was it a confirmation?

How can I conclude everything based on his heartbeat rate and sweaty palms?

Should I find solid evidence?

If I do find the evidence, then what?

Am I losing my husband to some basic bitch?

What if this whole brouhaha is just an illusion and he ain't doing me wrong then what?

"Have you eaten yet?" He spoke after a while of silence. "You should really have something," He said.

I looked up at him and flashed him a fake smile. "I'm not hungry hun," I said.

He shook his head. "Remember, you're pregnant with our baby," he then got his fingers out of my grasp and he rubbed my belly. "Do it for our little plum plum okay?"

"Okay," I said above a whisper. He guided me to one of the kitchen stools then he went to get some pots from the cabinet. "My parents invited us for lunch," I said and he froze in his tracks.

He cleared his throat. "Your mother also called me and told me the same thing," he said.

"You going?"

He came to me and pecked my lips. "I know how much this means to you so I'm also going. I may not get along with Matthew but I sure do get along with your mom."

"We'll go then," I said.

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